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10 Indirect Ways to Show You Miss Your Love

1. Make a Phone Call Calling your partner often makes them feel special that you remember them and takes good care of them. Communication is

9 Basic Tricks to Prevent Acne

Acne is a very common skin problem among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages. Here are a few prevention tricks to prevent from

10 Simple Tips & Tricks to Have a Glowing Skin

Everyone loves to have glowing skin, but in this busy lifestyle, one cannot give much time and effort to take care of their skin. So

20 Life-Changing Habits to Change Your Life For 2021

Let’s make our New Year more productive and happier by 20 Life-Changing Habits. Stay positive! ♥️ Self reflect Plan your workouts Set consistent goals every

25 Acting Quotes to Inspire Aspiring Actors

“With any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise, it’s just not acting. It’s lying.”

Super – 31 Qualities to be a Good Program Presenter

Qualification Language efficiency, good pronunciation, and word power Good tone and melodious voice Polite, without accent, disciplined and habit of respecting listeners Friendliness An art

Have These Answers Before Building Your Character!!

If you are going to build the character for your performance, then use these few questions to easily build the next character you are playing.

4 Interesting Games for the Fresher Party

1. Dialogue delivery Game: One has to pick a cheat from the fishing bowl and deliver the famous dialogue to are the best games for

Acting: Don’t Act, Just React!!

An actor is someone who portrays the character. An actor’s job is to fully represent the character they are playing and to convince their audience

11 Golden Rules to be Happy in Life

Many of us expect happiness in the future. The truth is we can create a happier life now. Here are 11 golden rules to be

Questions to be Answered by an Ethical Anchor.

Hey, if you want to be an Ethical Anchor, or make the profession in hosting an event, then you should have answers to at least

25 Tips For Anchoring an Event

Anchoring an Event is a big responsibility. There are certain qualities that make an anchor unique from his/her contemporaries like, fluency in language, clarity, humor,