“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.” ―
“There are three gates to self-destruction and hell: Lust, Anger & Greed.” - Krishna Janmasthami,
Every great story seems to begin with a snake. Nicolas Cage Lord Nicolas seems to
As much as the people of the urban areas are unrelated to farming, there are
“The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness” ― Esther
“Pain is temporary, GPA is forever- my motto for the next two weeks of the
We don’t want to violate rules, especially not the traffic rules. Unless there is an
The quality of the imagination is to flow and not to freeze. Ralph Waldo Emerson
“If you are born poor, that is not your mistake. But if you die poor,
Right now Offline and Online are coming together because of smartphones. _Susan Wojcicki And we
Today is the world of Technology – what needed to be done in person can
The modern era is the era of the Internet. Whoever said this hit a bullseye.