How to connect Smartwatch with Android Phones and 3 more FAQs!

Right now Offline and Online are coming together because of smartphones.
_Susan Wojcicki
And we would like to add “along with this, smartphones and people are coming together because of smartwatches”. After all, smartwatches are made for making smartphones feel less like a device and the addition of our body by letting you access a wide range of features from smartphones.
But smartwatches have come a long way from just connecting people and phones- they have become a unique device on their own. Take fitness smartwatches for example.
However, although smartwatch technology has progressed far, it still hasn’t become a common thing across a wide range of people. Due to this, a lot of them don’t know how to connect smartwatches with Andriod Phones. We say android phones as for a lot of Nepalese, iPhone is still just a dream.
But since we are on the topic, we will be covering the question of “how to connect smartwatch with iPhone?” as well. But before that, let’s talk about “how to connect smartwatch with Andriod phones?” as android phones are the go-to phones for most Nepalese.
1) How to connect Smartwatch with Android Phones?

The process of connecting a smartwatch with an android phone is a lot simpler than people think. Since smartwatches are connected with android phones through the medium of Bluetooth, all you need to do is pair the two devices and you will be done.
If you are still confused, just follow the following steps.
- Step1: Go to your Phone Settings
- Step 2: Enter Bluetooth Option and turn it on
- Step 3: Turn on your Smartwatch by pressing the power button
- Step 4: Locate the name of your smartwatch on the Bluetooth pairing list
- Step 5: Click on the Bluetooth Pairing name of your smartwatch
Once you follow these steps, your smartphone should be connected to your android phone.
That being said, if you have a smartwatch with additional functions like Fitbit, then you might have to download an app that is specific to that smartwatch. The app will enable you to run the advanced function of that specific type of smartwatch. But apart from this, the basic connection process remains virtually the same.
2) How to Connect a Smartwatch with iPhone?

Although Andriod phones are more in use than iPhones in Nepal, there are still quite a few people who use iPhones. And just how people want to know “how to connect smartwatch with Andriod?” a lot of people want to know how to connect smartwatch with iPhone as well.
The only issue with this is that most of the smartwatches run on android. So they are not compatible with iPhones. Due to this, it can be a bit hard to connect a smartwatch with iPhones. But there is a way.
If you want to connect these two seemingly incompatible devices, just follow the steps below.
- Step 1: Download “Wear Os by google-smartwatch” on iPhone
- Step 2: Turn on a smartwatch
- Step 3: Go to your iPhone settings and turn on your Bluetooth
- Step 4: Locate the Bluetooth name of your smartwatch
- Step 5: Pair your iPhone with the Bluetooth of your smartwatch
- Step 6: Sign in to your Google Account
Now, these are the steps to connect your smartwatch to the iPhone if your smartwatch doesn’t have any specific apps. But that being said “Wear OS by Google – Smartwatch” app is a bit outdated and there are better apps for doing this very thing like AsteroidOS.
3) How to Connect Apple Watch with an iPhone?

Since we have covered the overall gist of connecting a SmartWatch with Android, let’s talk about Apple Watch for a bit. They are basically the Smart Watches that run on Apple OS. So naturally, they are meant to be connected with an iPhone.
If you are wondering how to connect these two devices together, just follow the steps below.
- Step 1: Turn on the Apple Watch
- Step 2: Press and hold the Side Button till you see the Apple logo
- Step 3: Bring your iPhone near the Apple Watch and wait for the pairing screen to appear
- Step 4: Tap continue
- Open Apple Watch App in your iPhone and then tap on pair New Watch
- Step 5: Tap on Set up for Myself
- Step 6: Detect the Apple Watch through the viewfinder after being prompted by the viewfinder in the Apple Watch App
- Step 7: Tap Set up Apple Watch
- Step 8: Follow the Instruction depending on the Apple Watch
Once you complete this process, your Apple Watch is connected to your iPhone and is ready to use.
4) How to connect Apple Watch with Andriod?

Apple Watch is one of the most popular smartwatches in the world. While it is a bit expensive, many people in Nepal still use it. But since a majority of Nepalese use Android systems, this is a question that a lot of people ask – How to connect Apple Watch with Android?
The thing is, Apple watches are not meant to be connected with Android phones. Due to this, unless you cut some corners, you cannot connect this form of the smartwatch with android. But if you are willing to you should follow the following steps.
- Step 1: Pair the Apple Watch with an iPhone
- Step 2: Put the iPhone in airplane mode
- Step 3: Remove the SIM
- Step 4: Insert that SIM into an Android Phone
- Step 5: Find a Strong LTE signal
Now for those who are unaware of what an LTE signal is, it is basically the 4G signal. As you may have guessed, since this process requires the LTE signal, it is not compatible with older visions that don’t support this form of mobile signal. Along with this, this connectivity only works in places where LTE signals can flow smoothly.
As we mentioned, Apple Watches are not meant to be paired with Android Phones. Along with this, you may have noticed another issue here – you need to connect the Apple Watch with an iPhone first. While this may not be much of an issue for those who have friends with an iPhone, it is a huge barrier for those who have no access to it.
Our suggestion is that if you don’t have an iPhone, then you should stick with smartwatches that run on Android.

The question of “How to connect smartwatch with android?” is rather a simple one – all you need to do is pair them with Bluetooth and if the smartwatch has additional functions, download the corresponding app to use them. This is a simple issue that is easily solved. The tough part comes when we introduce Smart Watches that run on iOS – Apple Watches into the mix.
Since Apple Watches are not meant to connect with Android, we will need to compromise a lot in order for the two opposing Operating Systems to enable the connection. But that being said, it is rather easy to connect Apple Watch with iPhone.
Our suggestion is “ it is better to connect smartwatches with android if they run in android and with iPhone if they run on iOS if you want to avoid unnecessary hassles”
Hope you found this helpful. If you have any suggestions for us, do let us know them down in the comments below. And as always, thank you for reading till the end.
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