How to fill online driving license in Nepal: 6 Easy Steps!

How to fill online driving license in Nepal: 6 Easy Steps!

Today is the world of Technology – what needed to be done in person can be done with just a few clicks in this age!

This is one of the best lines that we have ever come up with. But it really is true – especially for submitting documents and filling up forms. All you need to do is go to the website, do a few clicks and it’s done. 

Now, you can fill up a wide range of forms online- among which the ability to fill online driving license is one of those form-filling tasks that saves us a ton of time. If you do this very same thing in person, it will cost you at the very least a few hours if not days, most of which is spent standing in the queue. 

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On top of that, if there are any issues with your documents, then be ready to sacrifice your work for a few days. But really, the ability to fill online driving license in Nepal has really made our lives easier. This is especially true for those urban areas where people can access the internet virtually anytime. 

Today we will talk about the short and simple process of filling an online driving license form in Nepal. 

So, for those who are asking questions like “how to fill online driving license in Lalitpur?” or any city for that matter,  this is your answer.

The Process

How to fill online driving license in Nepal: 6 Easy Steps!

The process to fill online driving license form is rather simple. All you need to do is go to their website, open up the page where new registrations are registered, and fill in the details. 

This is all that goes into filling up the form. But as you may have guessed, filling up the online driving license form is just the start of this entire process. After filling up the form, you will need to print the documents and visit the Department Of Transport Management (DOTM). 

The Date of the visit will be mentioned on the confirmation page once you fill-up the form. Once you do this, you will need to gather your documents and go for a physical checkup after which you will need to give the driving license – which you will need to pass to get the driving license. 

The complete process goes as follows:

  • Step 1: Open up the link to fill up the form
  • Step 2: Fill in the required details like your full name, age, occupation, DOB, education, citizenship number, etc.
  • Step 3: Gather the required documents and go to the DOTM Office for verification
  • Step 4: Give the Physical Exam
  • Step 5: Take the Driving Exam
  • Step 6: Wait for the results

This is the process of getting the driver’s license in brief – not just the process on how to fill online driving license in Nepal. 

The Rules

How to fill online driving license in Nepal: 6 Easy Steps!

While the process to fill up online driving from Nepal is not complicated in any way, you do need to follow some rules as stated by the Department Of Transport Management. If you don’t follow these rules, then your form will be invalid. 

These rules are:

  1. The form is only registered when there are quotas available
  2. Quotas are allocated for a maximum of one week
  3. The category of license and mobile number are compulsory fields and are non-editable editable
  4. If you miss the visit to the DOTM office after filling up the online form, you will be allowed to re-register only after 15 Days 
  5. If you fail the driving exams, you will have to wait for a minimum of 90 days

So, if you want your online driving license form to be valid, you will need to follow these rules.

Extra Information

How to fill online driving license in Nepal: 6 Easy Steps!

Besides the ones we mentioned, there are a few tit-bits of information that may be of your help in the process to fill an online driving license form and wait for the examination date. While these pieces of information won’t affect the process significantly, they can still be helpful for you.  They are:

  • The online form registry is open 24/7
  • You can check the application and license status through the “check status” button at the bottom of the screen
  • You can check the written exam result by typing WT <space> <application ID> and sending it to 33001
  • You can check if the smart is printed or not by typing LC <space> <application ID> and sending it to 33001
  • It will approximately cost you Rs 2150 for the entire process of making a driving license
  • It is a good idea to carry your citizenship, Passport size photo, Driving school certificate (for four-wheelers), blood group card, and license (if you are adding a category or renewing it), and some extra cash while doing any of the process related to a driving license. 


How to fill online driving license in Nepal: 6 Easy Steps!

With this, we have covered the general gist of every step that one needs to complete to get the license starting with the process to fill up an online driving license form in Nepal. As you have seen, the process to fill up the online driving license form is very simple. Just go to the website and click a few times.

The difficult part comes after this process. If you want to learn about the rest of the processes, you can follow the link below. Hope you found this helpful. If you have any suggestions for us, do let us know in the comments below. And as always, thank you for reading till the end. 

Side Note* the official website for registering the form will be down due to excess traffic time and again so you will need to be patient.

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