About Nepal

Top 10 Women influencers of Nepal 2021

Now more than ever, women have started focusing and exploring their identities for who they

Divorce Laws in Nepal As per the National Civil code of 2017/18 A.D

As per the National Civil Code of 2017 A.D, the Divorce Laws start from Chapter

Why You Must Keep Your Nwaran Name Secret?

In Nepal the people following the Hindu Traditions have a Naming Ceremony called Nwaran where

Kalash in Hindu Practices

Growing up in Nepal, whether you have a religious background or not, you would know

How joyous Pandit Guru Ji does Nwaran as your Family

Nwaran of a young newborn, done on the 11th day with a Pandit Guru Ji

This has to stop, period!

16-year-old Kamala holds her baby boy, in her family’s “Chhaupadi Pratha” shelter, a squat crawlspace

8 Places to Visit During Tihar to Make your Festival Unforgettable

As it turns out a lot of people visit different places during Festivals. Although Tihar

The Procedure of Court Marriage in Nepal With Applications

Court marriage is relevant for the couple who has not traditionally married and expecting to

12 Superstitions That Still Persists in The Nepalese Society

Superstition is an illogical belief emerging from the darkness and is an unrealistic way of

8 Memorable Bhai Tika Gifts for Brothers

Bhai Tika is a ceremony of love and affection between brothers and sisters. Bhai Tika

Rani Mahal: Gem of Palpa

It’s a detail that amazes you. It’s a size that amazes you. But ultimately it

All You Need to Know About Manung Kot Hill: Above the Clouds

Recently, Manung Kot is gaining a lot of attention on social media like Facebook, Instagram,