Why You Must Keep Your Nwaran Name Secret?

Hey what’s your Nwaran name? Wait, don’t tell us, it’s supposed to be a secret isn’t it?
In Nepal, the people following the Hindu Traditions have a Naming Ceremony called Nwaran where a child is named. Of Course, there is a process to that and a complicated one as well. So you get a name in this ceremony but it is supposed to be a secret. Because of this belief, Nepalese people of the Hindu religion often have two names, one that we know and one that we don’t.

What’s the use of a name that we don’t know then? The biggest reason why it is useful is also the biggest reason why it should stay a secret. Wanna know the secret to why this name should remain a secret? Hell yea right? So let’s continue on.
When do we use the Nwaran name?
Let’s open the first two doors to this secret. Behind the first door, lies the answer to the question, when do we use the Nwaran Name?

Well if you are a Hindu of Nepal who has a Nwaran name, you use that name in every major ceremony related to you. What that means is that this name is used from when you are first fed solid foods (Anna Prasasan), Bratabandha all the way to your marriage and even in and after death. As long as your existence is present and has a ceremony your Nwaran Name is used.
This seems a bit spiritual for you? Well it is and why is it spiritual leads us to the second door to this secret.
How do we use the Nwaran name?
This is the question that will be answered at the second door. So how do we use the Nwaran name? You can’t use this name in anything – that is unless you are someone who is well versed in astrology. Yes, one has to be well versed in astrology to use this in a good way. But as long as you know the basics of now to see the astrological chart, you can more or less use this in some form of way.
That is why the main use of this name is in that field. It’s not important you may think. But the thing is, one can know everything about you, including your personality and future – at least that is the accepted belief.

How is astrology and Nwaran connected you say? Glad that you thought of that. It is made by calculating the position of the Nakshatras- that is astrology- along with the time and date of your birth. And if you believe in astrology then you might also have heard how astrology works to predict your future. That’s right, through nakshatras, date/ time of birth and your place of birth.
Why should we keep our Nwaran name secret?
You might be guessing where this whole thing is getting at by this point. Your Nwaran name reveals your birth information and if someone with enough knowledge about astrology wants to do you harm using this, then no one can stop him/her from doing that.
Leaving astrology and the magical spiritual realm aside for a while, let’s get a bit logical shall we?

Let’s start from this question, what does it reveal about you? Your birth information and everything about it as well. Combine that with a bit of evil intention, some information gathering skills and even with just the basic knowledge of how this name works, one can easily figure out information about your phone calls, health records, credit card information and what not. This is not a good news for you is it?
Now, do you finally get why the Nwaran name is supposed to be a secret? You do right? So will keep it a secret will ya? Don’t sweat much though as the chances of a bad person having all of these skills, especially in Nepal is not very high. Just be sure to keep it secret!
Read more: How joyous Pandit Guru Ji does Nwaran as your Family
Everything About Nwaran You Need To Know About!
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