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How To Apply Tourist Visa For Nepal From the USA During Pandemic

Your Tourist Visa For Nepal From the USA is bound to be accepted If you follow these guidelines.

5 Simple Ways to Check IPO results in Nepal!

Venture capital is about capturing the value between the startup phase and the public company phase. Fred Wilson The IPO is all the rage right

Lucrative Upcoming IPO’s in Nepal

“An IPO is not the end but actually the beginning” For those who don’t know what an IPO is, in simple terms, it is the

How to download TikTok videos without watermarks: 3 Best Ways

“TikTok On the clock, Download Videos Nonstop” The rise of TikTok took the world by surprise. It was an unexpected one as people hardly believed

Little-known Grade of Cement – How do they determine this?

Underestimating grades have serious consequences for a student’s choice of university and their future.  Angela Rayner Along with this underestimating grade of cement has serious

Perfect Plaster – How to Calculate the Quantity of Material for Plaster

Why do you plaster your face with the façade of happiness?– Anonymous Well, that was a sad quote and one which uses peculiar words. For

July 28th – World Hepatitis Day: Hepatitis Can’t Wait!

This year’s theme is “Hepatitis can’t wait”.  Yes, Hepatitis can’t wait to harm us and we can’t wait to eradicate it as well. On this

How to Block someone On Facebook – Simple Tips!

“If I’m not a Facebook for more than 2 days … call the police” This random quote posted by some random dude on Facebook shows

What to do when Your Facebook account gets Hacked?

“Quick. Open up a website!” The chances are a lot of you either opened up Google or Facebook. Why is this so?  It is because

Apocalypse Earthquake – Which one is the Deadliest?

Which earthquake can be considered as deadliest Earthquake?

2 Types of Concrete Mixers Secrets

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”― Arthur C. Clarke, And if the Romans saw how we handle machines they would probably have worshipped

Cement and Concrete – 5 Shocking Differences

I don’t like concrete jungles.– Callan McAuliffe This quote sounds good but what is a concrete Jungle? It means places that are filled with Buildings.