Delicious Deep-Fried Chicken: A 3 Step Recipe

The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread and fried chicken Maya Angelou
Do you like fried foods? Do you like deep-fried foods?
Someone once said that “everything tastes good when it is deep-fried”. We don’t know about the rest but we can say that deep-fried chicken does indeed taste good.
They are crunchy, soft, and juicy – if fried right. Do you know how to make deep-fried chicken the right way? Well, technically there is no right or wrong way to deep fry foods. As long as you submerge the food in oil, then it is considered deep-fried.
But when it comes to tender meat like Chicken, if you do it in an incorrect manner, the tenderness and juiciness will be lost.
Do you want to know how to make a deep-fried chicken, the delicious way?
Of course, you do, who doesn’t? So, be sure to follow the recipe for deep-fried chicken below.
Now let’s look at the ingredients first, shall we?
Ingredients for Deep-Fried Chicken

- Chicken: 800 Grams
- Flour: 100 Grams
- Salt: 3 Teaspoon
- Pepper/Chilly: 2 teaspoon
- Cumin: 2 Teaspoon
- Meat Masala: 2 Teaspoon
- Eggs: 2 Piece
- Water: 100 Milileter
- Lemon Juice: 10 Milileter
- Coriander Leaves: 2/3 pieces
How to make deep-fried Chicken

To make a deep-fried chicken, all you need to do is make a batter, coat the chicken in the batter, dust some flour or bread crumbs and then throw it into boiling oil. Is this simple? Yes, but at the same time, it is one of the most delicious recipes for chicken as well.
Total Time: 30 minutes
Step 1: Batter The Chicken

– Break the eggs
– Mix in salt, pepper, cumin, and Garam masala with the eggs
– Mix them well
– Take the Chicken
– Dip the chicken into the Batter
Step 2: Coat and Fry the Meat

– Take the chicken out of the batter
– Coat or dust the chicken with flour or bread crumbs
– Heat up some oil
– Put the chicken in the oil
– Fry till golden brown in color
Step 3: Garnish and Serve

– Take the Chicken out of the Oil
– Drizzle some Lemon juice on top
– Garnish with Coriander leaves and Serve

This is one of the simplest methods to make a chicken and one of the best as well. The recipe for deep-fried Chicken is simple, yet effective to bring out the hidden goodness of this delicate and tender meat.
Just be sure to prepare this in batches and not take your eyes off the chicken. It is surprisingly easy to overcook this meat.
Hope you found this helpful. If you have any suggestions for us, do let us know them down in the comments below. And as always thank you for reading till the end.
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