10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

What would you do if you want to learn both Computer science and Information Technology at the same time?

That is right you go for B.Sc.CSIT. This 4-year course from Tribhuvan University is the perfect combination of both Computer Science and Information Technology. It is perfect for those who want to be a jack of all trades in the field of computers. But that being said where do you even go and learn this course?

Well luckily for you this program is available in 10 Constituent Campus and 43 Private Campus that are affiliated with TU. Needless to say, all the campuses or Colleges that Teach this course are affiliated with Tribhuvan University. 

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But among all of these colleges, what are the best B.Sc.CSIT in Nepal? Well, we are here to answer just that!

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

There are not many colleges in Nepal that teach this course to begin with. In total there are only 53 colleges in Nepal that teach this course. So the competition to become one of the best is relatively high. That being said, a college needs to meet some base requirements to become one of the best. These requirements are:

  • Quality Education
  • Adequate facilities
  • Consistent result

Besides these, if the college has a good career counseling service it also helps them to be among the best. Needless to say, the colleges that will be mentioned here have fulfilled all of these requirements and has some extra features in spare. So without any further delay, let’s take a look at the 10 best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal and why they are so.

1) Kathford International College of Engineering and Management

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

Faculty of Engineering
Balkumari Chowk

Faculty of IT and Management
Chyasal road of Balkumar

Faculty of Engineering
01 5201241 / 01 5201911

Faculty of IT and Management
01 5186046 / 01 5186112

This college is one of the very few colleges that is affiliated with TU having a wide range of programs. Located in Balkumari Lalitpur, Kathford has programs like Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Electronics. Needless to say, this college has met all of the requirements to be one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal i.e they have quality education, adequate facilities, and consistent results. But these are just the base requirements. Here are a few extra features of this college that made this college become one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. 

  • Located at easily accessible Place
  • Professional Staffs
  • Focus on Practical Methods of Teaching
  • Regular Field Visits, Seminars, and Lectures
  • Assitance for Internships

2) Prime College

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

Address: Nayabazar, Khusibun
Phone: 01 4361690 / 01 4970072

Prime College is one of the first IT-enabled colleges, and as expected it is equipped with fully furnished facilities equipped with the state of the art technology in IT. Along with this, this college has established itself as one of the best colleges in the field of IT and Computer Engineering.

Needless to say Prime meets all the base requirements to be one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. Besides meeting the base requirements, this college also has some additional features that have been pushed it to the top. Some of which are:

  • Job Preparation and Training
  • Stock Market Training
  • Personnel Development Skills
  • Prime IT club for IT and Computer Science Students to share their Ideas
  • Adaptive Education System

3) Sagarmatha Engineering College

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

Location: Sanepa, Lalitpur, Nepal
Phone: +977 1 5527274 , + 977 1 5547463

Sagarmatha Engineering College has been focused on providing quality education ever since the college began back in 2010, and they have been providing quality education with consistent results. Due to this, this college has become one of the “Centers of Excellence” in the educational Scenario.

That being said Sagarmatha Engineering College uses the tactic of “teaching with practicality” in mind meaning they teach with the aim of helping their students adjust to the real-world scenarios as soon as they graduate. This alone is enough to make them among some of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. But they have more. Some of which are:

  • Located at easy to access location
  • Excellent environment to learn at affordable cost
  • Has an Up-to-date education system as per the need of the ever-changing world
  • Frequent Research-Based Projects and Activities
  • Guest Visits from Professionals
  • Career Counselling and Guidance

4) Himalayan College of Engineering 

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

Location: Chyasal 9, Lalitpur
Phone: +977 01 5540555 / 5554287 / 5554297 / 5554536

Established in the June of 2000 AD, the main motto of the Himalayan College of Engineering is to provide eminent education and knowledge to interested students of Nepal. With the emphasis on creating professionals through modern teaching methods and real-life experience, they have left no stones unturned providing every amenity that their students needs. So needless to say, they easily meet the base requirements to be one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. But as you may have guessed, they have more than the base requirements. Some of which are:

  • Easily accessible Location
  • Managed by Avant-garde Educators
  • Affordable price with financial support for those in Need
  • Training and workshops to develop practical aspects of education and soft skills
  • Field Visits and practical works
  • Counseling and advice for both mental and educational health

5) St Xaviers 

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

Location: Maitighar, Kathmandu Nepal
Phone: +977 01 4221365/ 4244636

St Xaviers is a catholic educational institution that is run by the Society of Jesus and is one of the most prominent figures in the educational world of Nepal. It has consistently provided quality manpower and has some of the best track records when it comes to providing results in Nepal. St Xaviers not only focuses on learning from existing knowledge but also creating new knowledge through as well.

With such a vision in mind, it is no wonder that this college has managed to become one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. Besides meeting all the requirements, they also have other notable features as well which complement its education system. Some of which are:

  • Research and Training facilities on different aspects of Education
  • Mandatory Rural Camps
  • Events like Awareness Programs, Medical camps to benefit the society
  • Value of “learn to grow”
  • Career and educational counselling

6) Patan Multiple Campus

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

Location: Patan, Nepal
Phone: 015549133

When talking about best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal, we cannot skip Patan Multiple Campus. This is not only one of the largest Colleges in Nepal, it is also one that has consistently produced good results as well. This college was formed because some intellectuals felt the need for higher education for the youth, As such, this college has been doing its utmost to provide what the nation and the youths.

So, they have a wide range of courses including trade and industry besides IT and Computer science as well. Besides the basic requirements, PMC has a few more features that have made it stand out among the rest of the colleges to become one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. Some of which are:

  • Accommodation facilities for students from outside the Kathmandu Valley
  • Extra Curriculum Activities
  • Career Guidance 

7) Madan Bhandari Memorial College

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

Location: New Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Phone:  +977-01-5172175, 5172715 

This college which was established to follow the vision of the Late Great Madan Kumar Bhandari is one of those few non-profit organizations that has managed to become some of the best educational institutes in Nepal. With the outstanding academic ambiance and string guidance from the elders and teachers, this college has received a lot of good testimonials from its ex-students.

And a lot of them hold good positions in careers related to IT and Networking. So needless to say this college easily meets the base requirements to be on this list of best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. Besides excellent education and consistent results, some more key features of these colleges are:

  • Run by qualified academics, professionals, and social workers
  • Strong presence in rewarding jobs in prominent positions
  • Financial support for students in needs
  • Scholarship programs for deserving students

8) Amrit Science Campus

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

Location: Thamel, Kathmandu
Phone: + 977 01 4411637

Amrit Science College, originally known as Public Science College (PUSCOL) is the only pure science college in Nepal. Being a specialist, it is natural that they can give out outstanding results and prominent figures in the field of Science, especially when it comes to IT and Computer science.

They have more resources to devote to a specific field and more time to focus on their students. Needless to say, Amrit Science Campus easily meets the requirements become one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. Besides providing outstanding results, quality education, and having good facilities, there are some more reasons why this is one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. Some of which are:

  • Career counseling
  • Good learning environment
  • “ Knowledge for practical life” driven education Philosophy

9) Nagarjuna College of IT

Nagarjuna College

Location: Shankhamul- 9 , Lalitpur, Nepal
Phone: +977 1 5260894 / 9851073795 / 01 5260890

No, this college was not founded by the Indian Actor Nagarjuna and yes, it is one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. With its team of highly educated teachers and rapidly developing management staff, this college has managed to consistently produce outstanding results. Furthermore, Nagarjuna College of IT has a strong area of expertise and experience with over 11 years of presence in the field of IT and Computer Science.

With all of this, it should not be a surprise anymore that this college has managed to become one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal. Besides the results and education, this college has quite a few features that have helped it to reach this position. Some of which are:

  • Friendly environment 
  • Easily accessible location
  • Helps students to get real-life-experience through industry-driven projects
  • Development of practical and soft skills

10) New Summit College

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

Location: Shantinagar, Tinkune, Kathmandu.
Phone number: +977 01 4620522/ 4620523 / 4620524

Being in collaboration with KMC education Network, this college has some of the best results when it comes to the IT and computer science sector in Nepal. With its team of dynamic educators and scholars amidst its team of teachers and trainers, the teaching system here is meant for making its students eligible for adapting and overcoming the ever-changing IT world.

Needless to say, this is one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal that has an important role in the future of Nepal’s IT sector. Besides the basics, they have a lot more in store that has enabled them to be one of the best, some of which are:

  • Rich Library with up to date books for modern teaching-learning 
  • Separate Hostels for boys and Girls
  • Busses for easy transportation for students within the valley

So the Conclusion is,

10 Best B.Sc.CSIT Colleges in Nepal!

There are very few colleges that provide the course of B.Sc.CSIT in Nepal. Due to this, the requirements to become one of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal are really high. Not only do the colleges have to be consistent in quality education and results, but they also need to have adequate facilities and more. That being said, those on this list are 10 of the best B.Sc.CSIT colleges in Nepal since they complete all the checkmarks and more. 

Hope this was helpful for you. If you have any suggestions for us, do let us know them down in the comments below. And as always, thank you for reading till the end.

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