7 Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day

7 Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day
Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day!!

Being a Nepali, you already know Nepal does not celebrate Independence Day unlike its neighbouring country India. But do you know besides Nepal which other countries do not celebrate Independence Day?

You don’t know? We have got you. Here in this article, we will list the name of the countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day.

So, let’s get started!!

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List of Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day

Here is the List of Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day. Enjoy Reading!!


Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day
Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day: Nepal

Nepal does not Celebrate an Independent day.

Why Nepal don’t Celebrate Independence Day?

Since Nepal has never been colonized by an external force, Nepal has always remained a sovereign nation. Nepal is among the few countries in the world that have never been invaded by other countries. Hence, Nepal doesn’t celebrate Independent day.

Also, Nepal is the oldest independent sovereign country in South Asia.


7 Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day
Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day: Denmark

In the List of Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day, we have Denmark.

Just like Nepal, Denmark has also never been colonized by other countries’ forces. It has always been a sovereign nation. So, Denmark does not celebrate Independence Day. However, Denmark celebrates Constitution Day on june 5, which marks the day their constitution came into power.


7 Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day
Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day: Thailand

Thailand also does not celebrate Independence Day. Thailand has always remained an independent country when much of Southeast Asia was colonized by imperial powers. Since the country has never been colonized by other countries there is no need to celebrate Independent Day.


7 Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day
Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day: Canada

Although Canada celebrates Canada Day on July 1, the country does not celebrate Independence Day. On 1 July 1867, the Britsh North America Act (BNA) officially declared the Dominion of Canada a self-governing entity. So July 1st is celebrated as Canada Day.


7 Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day
Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day: France

Although France celebrates its Independence Day from monarchy, but it has never been colonized by an external force. It has always been a free and independent country. So France is one of the countries without Independence Day.


7 Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day
Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day: Russia

Russia has also never been invaded or ruled by other countries. So, there is no celebration of Independence Day.


7 Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day
Countries that do not Celebrate Independence Day: China

China has been ruled by monarchs for centuries. So no country including the British enslaved China. So there is no Independence Day in China.


Now, do you know why Nepal do not celebrate Independence Day? Besides Nepal, the mentioned-above countries also do not celebrate Independence Day because they have always remained Independent countries.

Nepal has always been proud to be a sovereign country. Thanks to our great ancestors who protected the sovereignty of Nepal with their life. I am proud to say my country is a Sovereign country. What about you, guys? Do mention it in the comment section down below. We will be happy to read your comments.

Thank You!! for reading our article till the end. We hope you enjoyed reading our article. Thank You!! for your love and support. Have a good day!

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