How To Start A Customized T-shirt Business in Nepal

The printing T-shirt business in Nepal is a new and exciting venture which is hitting the Nepalese market like a storm. The printed T-shirt business is slowly getting pace in Nepal.
The customized print shirt is quickly becoming the newest rising trend in Nepal. If you walk down into the streets of Nepal, you can see many people wearing such shirts which are considered a big hit and cool thing to the young generation of Nepal.

Let us get to know how to start good printing T-shirt business in Nepal from the following points:
1. Market Research
Before you enter into this business, make a thorough study on the T-shirt printing business. Know what the customers seek in your products. Research who are your competitors.
Decide which price will be ideal for your products. Also, purchase raw material which is of good quality. Do not compromise with the price while selecting the materials to start your business.
Select an appropriate location where your business could operate without any hassle and get adequate investment so that your printing T-shirt business could go under away in the Nepalese market.
2. Business Plan Development
Create a clear full proof plan to develop your business. Make proper financial planning, allocate appropriate budget, maintain stable cash flow and income statement.
Examine your Profit and loss account. Have an effective operational strategy where you can maximize your resources and achieve the desired results.
Implement a sales strategy that aims to reach and sell more printed T-shirts to the public. Also, ensure that you make a proper human resource plan where the right person would be allocated as per their talent.
3.Company Registration
Before you officially start your company, you need to follow the below company registration process:
- Follow the company registration and company process in Nepal.
- Get contact which you could need during the process.
- Know rates, taxes, duties applied for tax registration.
- Prepare legal and necessary documents or paper need to register your company.
- Get responsibilities and yearly descriptions after registration of the company.
- Get additional notes and reference to your company.
- Be introduced to Company Registrar Office, Company Act as well as registration of company process in Nepal.

For more information, you can visit, company registrar office at Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal.
You can contact the office at Phone no: 977-1-4259948, 4263089 or you get the email your queries at the address: [email protected]
4. Collection of Resources
To establish a successful business, you need a land where you can operate your day to day work. Similarly, you need to purchase a strong and sophisticated machine.
For a printing T-shirt business to be successful in the market, you need to buy a high-quality printing machine, colors, and different kinds of clothes that are trendy in the market.
5. Team Formation
In order for a business to thrive in this competitive market, you need a strong team. In business, such as printing a T-shirt, first, you need to make a production team where all people will know what are their duties and responsibilities.
From the financial to the sales and marketing department, every member of such teams should be delegated the roles that are most suited to them.
With proper direction and instruction given by top-level management, a careful evaluation of each and every member’s potential of the business team could be made so that the proper workflow could result in achieving the desired result set by the organization.
6. Production Process
Making fine printed T-shirt is fairly simple and could be done in an automated way. For manufacturing quality T-shirts, specially designed machines will be required that will cut, stitch, and assemble.
The most used seams for T-shirt are superimposed and narrow seams which are produced by putting one fabric piece onto another and line up the seam edges.
Likewise, the steams are mostly stitched with overedge stitch which needs a needle thread from up and two looped threads from down. Such type of seam can give fine flexibility in a finished seam.
Another seam that could be used for printed T-shirts are seams bounded in which one piece of fabric is folded around the seam like the neckline. Such seams could be used as a chain stitch, lockstitch and overedge stitch.
7. Marketing and Sales
The last step is to market your product so that it could increase its sales. Begin by branding your product, for example, make a logo for your brand which will be unique and appeal to the people so that they will buy your products.
Make your brand image attractive that will sell itself in the market. Since printed T-shirt is popular among the young generation of Nepal, design your brand in such a way which will entice the young people to buy your product.
Marketing is another way you can promote your products more effectively. In today’s modern world, digital marketing plays a major role in advertising products.
With the increase in digital technology, online sites have risen due to which many businesses are operating through the internet. If you want your product to be access by many people and household, then you could develop a website which highlights your products and price.
Customized T-shirts is a small business but it has the potential to attract a large number of customers if the products are sold in the following occasions:
1. Plain T-shirts

2. Couple T-shirts

3. Festival T-shirts

4. Event T-shirts

5. Corporate T-shirts

Benefits of doing printed T-shirt business
- Large Numbers of Customers

Many people especially youth people are attracted to customizing their very own T-shirts such as printed T-shirts is becoming more and more popular nowadays due to which there are a large number of people following these brands of shirting.
2. Demand is high

In Nepal, the demand for printed T-shirts is getting higher and higher every day. Due to this, more and more T-shirts business are blooming, if you visit every nook and corner of Nepal, you will see many printed T-shirt shops.
3. Risk is lower

Unlike many businesses, the printed T-shirt will not bear high risk. Due to being less risky, many entrepreneurs are trying their hands at customized T-shirts business to earn a substantial profit.
4. Have good business in less investment

As mentioned above, as the printed T-shirts business is less risking, it is undoubtedly easy to invest as you don’t need much money or resources to do business. Furthermore, with much less investment, there is a possibility that your business will boom because the printed T-shirts business is getting popular among the Nepalese people, especially it’s special craze could be seen in the young generation.
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