Perks of Being an Early Bird- 5 Impressive Benefits

Perks of Being an Early Bird- 5 Impressive Benefits

An early bird catches the worm  – we all know that but what is the worm?

This is a weird phrase that has been drilled into our brains, even more so for those who are late often. We have gotten so used to this phrase that we don’t even question what the worm is. 

Well for all intents and purposes, the worm is probably referring to the benefits of being an early bird. That is the only answer that makes sense in this phrase. And true enough, there are quite a lot of benefits of being an early bird. 

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For those who are a bit new to this phrase- an early bird refers to someone who wakes up early. So the basic essence of this phrase is that “a person who wakes up early gains benefits”.

By now you must be getting curious about the perks and benefits of being an early bird right? So without any further ado, let’s get started. 

1) You have enough time to freshen up

Perks of Being an Early Bird- 5 Impressive Benefits

One of the growing bad traits of people nowadays is that we sleep late and we wake up late. While some of us can’t avoid this lifestyle considering that a lot of us work night shifts and work on tight deadlines that require sacrificing sleep, a lot of us can avoid this. When you wake up late, there is a good chance that you will have to rush to your work or education. 

This means that you do not have enough time to freshen up and prepare for the day. If you are an early bird, however, you will get a lot of time to freshen up and plan your day out. 

2) You will get to eat a healthy breakfast

Perks of Being an Early Bird- 5 Impressive Benefits

Getting a healthy breakfast is a somewhat underrated perk of being an early bird. A lot of us eat breakfasts but let’s be honest, how many of us have time to prepare a healthy breakfast and eat it at leisure. Most of us are rushing through breakfast to go to college, school, or work after all. This lack of a healthy breakfast can easily lead to people being tired early in the morning and not having enough energy to function properly throughout the entire day.

But you know what? This won’t even be an issue if you wake up early. Not only would you have adequate time to freshen up, but you would also have enough time to make and eat a healthy breakfast. It doesn’t take much time to prepare a healthy breakfast to begin with in the first place. All you need is some salads (cucumber or fresh vegetables) some freshener (tea, coffee or orange juice) and some carbohydrates (can be eggs, bread or biscuits) to have a good breakfast. Furthermore, you can even add some meat to the dish if you have time. 

3) More time for family

Perks of Being an Early Bird- 5 Impressive Benefits
Interaction with girls facilitators at Deuri /

After talking about food, let’s talk about the family. Since a lot of us are busy in our wone worlds, be it at work, in studies or with friends, most of us don’t have time for our families. We wake up, have a small chat, rush to our work/education, come home, relax and go to sleep. 

This type of environment doesn’t breed a healthy family life. We are too late for work in the morning and we are too tired in the evenings. But one silent benefit of being an early bird is that morning are a great time to hang out and bond with the family. Not only is everybody fresh, but they are also relatively less stressed about the day as well. There is no better time to talk heartily with your family than in the early mornings – one of the silent perks of being an early bird. 

4) You get extra time to do your things

Perks of Being an Early Bird- 5 Impressive Benefits

Here’s a thing- regardless of how late we wake up, we hit the bed almost at the same time – around 9 to 10 PM. This is something that a lot of us agree on. Unless there are some special circumstances, even if people don’t sleep, a lot of people hit the bed and stop their work. But while doing this one has to remember that the later they wake, the less time they have to utilize the day.

In this modern-day and age, being completely free is nothing but a pipe dream for most of us. You either have to prepare for your projects, your exams or your work. So waking up early really does give you a few extra hours. This means that if you wake up an hour early for 24 days, you get one extra day for free – a big perk of being an early bird.

5) Fewer Distractions When You Start Your Day

Perks of Being an Early Bird- 5 Impressive Benefits

Let’s be honest, people are too lazy to text early in the mornings unless they really need to or they are in a new relationship. Not only this, people are too lazy to share anything as well. This means that if you wake up early, you will get a relatively quiet first few minutes which is important to prepare your mind. 

Think about it, if the first thing that you see after waking up is an email from your boss telling you that your project has been rejected, what would you feel? This is one of those perks of being an early bird that is all about making time for yourself, free from all the distractions of the world which gives you a few minutes of complete peace and calmness – an important factor for maintaining a good mental and emotional health.


Perks of Being an Early Bird- 5 Impressive Benefits

The perks of being an early bird are all about you getting enough time at the start of the day to do various things. This includes preparing for the day, spending time with your family, getting healthy via breakfast, and getting a few moments of peace – free from all the distractions of the world. 

While all of this is being said, waking up early can be a bit hard for a lot of us. So if you want to be an early bird, we advise you to sleep early and avoid taking any caffeine-related drinks like tea and coffee in the evening. 

Hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any suggestions for us, do let us know in the comments below. And as always. Thank you for reading till the end. 

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