Bhagwat Gita was spoken by Lord Sri Krishna to his friend Arjuna around 5000 years ago. It was a kind of discourse between two friends when one was in great confusion. Gita is said to be a summary of all four Vedas and is relevant even today as it was 5000 years ago. It is not any kind of commandment like other religious books as Santana culture was more oriented towards seeking rather than accepting commandments. Therefore you can read Gita as a self- help book even if you are not a spiritual person and trust me if you have time to invest in it, it has the answer to all your questions. Some of the important taking which I treasure from Gita is:
1. You have right over your actions but not on your fruits:
As a human being, We should work to maintain ourselves but what Gita warns us not to be goal-driven. If we focus only on the result than our involvement in the process gets diluted which ultimately affects the result. Today society is excessively goal-driven, for instance, a student is always thinking of results more than preparation. This habit actually results in pain if things do not work out as planned. Therefore Krishna advises you only to focus on process as you have no control over outcomes.

2. See divinity in every being:
Krishna says the same divinity is present in an ant as it is in Human beings. In today’s world, where a human being is causing irreparable damage to the planet because of his own everlasting materialistic greed, this lesson is even more relevant than ever before. Therefore bow down to all beings and never lookup or lookdown to anything.

3. Change is inevitable:
Change is the law of the universe. You cannot stop things from occurring which are meant under higher plans of the universe. You can like Ballgame or a pauper on the street in the course of time. So be humble for whatever you have and never hold a grudge for you do not know what is going to h are not taking any of these when you leave.

4. The soul is eternal:
Krishna says to Arjuna soul is neither born nor dies and all the beings were ever existing. It is just that we do not have a memory of past life. It is our Karma that we are entrapped in different situations. Human life is for the sake of cleansing our Karma and being liberated.

5. Lust, Anger, and Greed are door to Hell:
Gita does not talk about heaven which has women and wine for you to enjoy. Rather it says if you are entrapped in Lust, Anger, and Greed you are in Hell all the time. Therefore it is advised to take charge of your life and get rid of all the evil qualities to live heavenly life here.

6. The mind is double edge sword and needs to be mastered by meditation:
Krishna compares our mind to an untamed group of horses and advises to use our intelligence to tame it. The mind is the best friend when you are the master of it but the moment you let it master you, it can turn the world against you. Therefore it is advised to use meditation techniques to master it.

8. Man is what he believes in:
Faith or belief frames our thoughts, desires and actions. It is the core of who as an individual we are. Therefore we should have positive outlook and avoid impressions like revenge ,anger ,insults etc.

9. Never give up in battle of your life:
Krishna advises Arjuna to stand the battle ground reminding him of his Dharma as a warrior and asks him to be carefree of outcomes. Therefore we need to perform our respective duties with complete involvement and not let fear of cripple our mind.

10. Practice tolerance without bearing injustice:
It is essential to be tolerant and forgiving to face hardships of life but at the same time one should not bear injustice. Krishna did not advise Arjuna to forgive everyone and leave battlefield rather he advised him fight till his last breath.

10 Quotes from Bhagwat Gita:
Whatever happened, happened for the good. Whatever is happening, is happening for the good. Whatever will happen, will also happen for the good.
Whatever action is performed by a great man, common men follow in his footsteps, and whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.
One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among men.
Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead. Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable.
Arise, slay thy enemies, enjoy a prosperous kingdom
Krishna says: “Arjuna, I am the taste of pure water and the radiance of the sun and moon. I am the sacred word and the sound heard in air, and the courage of human beings. I am the sweet fragrance in the earth and the radiance of fire; I am the life in every creature and the striving of the spiritual aspirant
You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions.
In the dark night of all beings awakes to Light the tranquil man. But what is day to other beings is night for the sage who sees.
Amongst thousands of persons, hardly one strives for perfection; and amongst those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows me in truth.
The spirit is beyond destruction. No one can bring an end to spirit which is everlasting.