How to Renew License in Nepal?

After 5 years of being issued, your license will need to be renewed. The process of renewing your license is rather simple. In summary, all you have to do is grab your documents and go to the license office and request a renewal which should be done in a few hours. The new license can take a long time though. Now let’s go more into detail, shall we?
1. Gather the required documents for the renewal of license

This is the basics. Before you go and renew your license you have to gather your documents first. The documents needed much as you already have the license. All you need is your expired license and your citizenship. Along with that 2 passport-sized photos and an auto-sized photo are needed.
Then you are all set. Additionally, you can carry some photocopies of your citizenship and your expired license as well, and having a postage stamp is also a good thing.
Then you are all set.
2. The money

Renewing does not cost as much as issuing a new one so it can be done with less than half the cash that is required for issuing a new one. All you have to carry is the money for the renewal slip which costs Rs 38 and the vehicle slip which costs Rs 1500 for A category license. It should be noted that this price increases at the same rate as while issuing a new one.
3. The process of renewal
Now here comes the process for renewing your license. As mentioned you don’t have to do much when compared to issuing your licence but there are still some procedures that you have to go through.

First of all, you have to go to the local Transport Management office and request a renewal form. Be sure to reach there as early as possible because you will have to wait in line if you are late.
Then you have to get the driver’s license renewal slip and attach your expired license to it, then staple it. You should head out to the renewing locations. After this is done, ask for the renewal office and head there. Once you are there, give the official your request slip which has your driver’s license attached.

Once the verification is complete, the officer will give you a form with all the records. Along with this, you will also be given a token number as well. Then you go into a hall and wait for your turn. Submit your documents when your time comes. The verification process will occur and your mobile number will be asked. You will also be asked to take a picture as well for official purposes. Then the basic health tests will be taken along with the vision tests. It will include a color blindness test as well. If the results show that you are still eligible to drive you can move on to the next step
The next stop is the final verification process where all the records and results are looked at once again. You will have to wait some more and once your turn comes, pay the bill and check the final report and take the proof slip. Be sure to keep the slip safe
4. Time

It would be a surprise to you if this is your first time renewing your license but the entire process only takes around 3 or 4 hours. If there are a lot of people on the day you are renewing the license on, then it can take an hour or two longer. That is why don’t do this on the first, second, and the last day of the week. This is because people usually flock on the first and the last day of the week. A lot of people know this as well so the remaining flock on the second day as well.
After you receive the slip, you may have to wait a long time. Just like when issuing for the first time, getting a renewed license can take up to a year. So laminate your slip, make it waterproof, and do not lose it. If you lose it, you will have to apply for the loss of license which is a totally different story.
This renewal is done at the traffic and Vehicle head office of your respective district or region.
If you want to know how to issue your license, you can check our link here.