How to Get Rid of Cockroaches – 6 Fascinating and Fabulous ways!

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches – 6 Fascinating and Fabulous ways!

I am a survivor. I am like a cockroach, you just can’t get rid of me.

Madonna Ciccone

And this is exactly why they are annoying – it is hard to get rid of cockroaches. They are disgusting, they spread diseases and make our skin crawl. And when they open their wings to fly – it’s a creature of nightmares

This is exactly why people want to get rid of cockroaches. And what’s more annoying is that it is extremely hard to kill a cockroach. In fact, they are among few critters that can survive a nuclear war alongside scorpions, fruit flies, and wasps – none of which are particularly pleasing to look at. Cockroaches can spread diseases, scorpions can sting and possibly kill you and wasps are the swarms of a nightmare.

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While all of these critters are dangerous to us, scorpions and wasps don’t exactly interact with us all too often – but cockroaches do! They can survive a nuclear war they can still survive without their head for up to a week. They only die because of starvation! So How do you even get rid of cockroaches – these mega bugs?

How to get rid of cockroaches?

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches - 6 Fascinating and Fabulous ways!

Thankfully while they are rather hardy creatures, we can still get rid of them and the answer to this is – chemicals and traps. Chemicals either kill them or deter them and traps, well trap them so that we can squish them to smithereens. The following are 6 easy ways on how you can get rid of cockroaches.

1) Baking Soda

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches - 6 Fascinating and Fabulous ways!

This is one of the most satisfying ways to kill a cockroach and one of the most brutal ways as well. You can find baking soda in virtually every bakery near you and if you live in an urban area like Kathmandu, Bhatbhateni is should not be that far away from your residence. 

Baking soda is essentially poison for these mega bugs. The way this gets rid of cockroaches is – once they consume it, baking soda reacts with digestive juices in their stomach and creates gasses expanding their stomach until they burst out.  Yes, you literally blast a cockroach with this method. To use baking soda, just sprinkle some baking soda on top of some foods, and you are done. 

2) Borax

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches - 6 Fascinating and Fabulous ways!

This is another one of those chemicals that gets rid of cockroaches through their eating habit. But unlike baking soda, borax shrinks the cockroaches. You can easily find borax in a chemist or a cleaning store nearby as it is a commonly used item for cleaning. While baking soda explodes the cockroaches, borax dehydrates them and kills them rather rapidly.

Similar to baking soda, to use borax to get rid of cockroaches at home, all you need to do is,m, dust some food with borax and let them eat it. 

3) Citrus things

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches - 6 Fascinating and Fabulous ways!

While the previous entries worked on their stomach, this works on their chemical sensors. We love a good old lemon but cockroaches don’t and are rather repelled by citrus things. All you need to do is squeeze some lemon juice or grab a bottle of vinegar, mix it with some water and mop the floor and clean the table with this mixture. They won’t even come near that surface.

The only weakness of this method is that citrus things won’t kill cockroaches, it only repels them. But despite that, this is still a good way to get rid of the cockroaches at home.

4) Essential oils

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches - 6 Fascinating and Fabulous ways!

If you have been taking homeopathic cures or are just into essential oils, then this will be great news for you. Similar to how citrus things repels the Roches, repels them by trigging a negative response on their chemical response, only better.

Mix them with a bit of water and spray all over to get rid of the cockroaches at home. Not only is this mixture non-toxic but they also have a great smell as well. So by using this method, you will repel these mega bugs as well as make your home smell better.

5) Glue trap

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches - 6 Fascinating and Fabulous ways!

Ever been so annoyed by these disease-spreading critters that you want to squish them personally? Well with glue traps you might be able to. The concept behind this method to get rid of cockroaches is rather simple. 

Just place some food on a wooden plank, spread slow-drying glue, or buy some glue strips, place them at suspicious places and wait. They get baited by the foods and get stuck on the glue till they die or if you check the strips on time, get squished by you. The only downside to this glue trap is that you will need to spend a bit of money replacing them time and again. 

6) Seal the joints

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches - 6 Fascinating and Fabulous ways!

This is more of a preventive way to get rid of cockroaches rather than killing them off or repelling them. They can’t bother you if you don’t let them in. Every once in a while, inspect your home and seal the small holes in walls, near joints, and near electrical sockets. 

This is a rather simple method but is a bit expensive and time-consuming. However, once you do this, you won’t have to worry about the new batch of cockroaches invading your home for the foreseeable future. Just be sure to use methods to get rid of all the remaining cockroaches at home along with this method. They multiple fast and if you don’t kill them, it will be very hard to get rid of cockroaches even if you seal all the joints

If all else fails, call a professional exterminator - they know what to do and they know how to do it safely.

Before we go,

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches - 6 Fascinating and Fabulous ways!

It is important to know that just like every other creatures and bug, they don’t necessarily want to harm us – they just want food. So it is best to keep your house clean, wash your dishes and get rid of all the food crumbs on the floor. 

Hopefully, you won’t need to deal with these critters as once they invade, it is very hard to get rid of cockroaches. These disgusting bugs are the stuff of nightmares for a lot of people and rightfully so. It is hard to kill them, they multiply fast, spread diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, and typhoid, and they become even more terrifying when they fly and disappear from your sights.

Hope you found this helpful and entertaining. If you have any suggestions for us, do let us know them down in the comments below. And as always, thank you for reading till the end.  

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