How to check SEE Result 2076?

So, after a long wait SEE result has finally been published. The exam which was supposed to be held on Chaitra, 2076 had been postponed and then cancelled. The marks published are according to the internal assessment by the respective schools.
NEB has published the result of about 4 lakh 80 students. You can check the results through Internet or through SMS.
Check SEE Result via websites:
Nepal Telecom :
National Education Board:
Office of the Controller of the examination:
Check SEE Result via SMS:
To check SEE result via SMS, Type “SEE<space>Symbol Number” and send it to 34949.
For eg: Type” SEE 1234567A” ans send it to 34949.
Grading System:
After 4 years, you might have been familiar with the grading system. If not, don’t worry, we have got you covered.