Top 15 Best Unknown Facts about Jung Bahadur Rana: The Daredevil Prime Minister

A Daredevil Statesman: A Rare Combination Jung Bahadur Rana was a rare statesman born in these parts of the world. Born in a warrior family he had wit, charm, guts, bravery, courage, and daredevilry in him all at once. This man was famous even across the seven seas countries like Great Britain and was well respected by them.
So what are the facts about him that are unknown to us? Let us know
Kick Ass Ancestry:
Jung Bahadur Rana was a descendent from the warrior clan of Kunwars who had been fighting for the past 3 generations. His great grandfather Ram Krishna Kunwar conquered Kathmandu during the unification campaign. His grandfather Ranajit Kunwar had shown great courage and bravery by decimating the Chinese Forces in Second Nepal Tibet War and in the Kangara campaign. His father had killed the murderer of King Rana Bahadur Shah on spot and was decorated for it. What and ancestry!!!

Daredevil Uncle:
Not only does his paternal side have glorious history but his maternal side had a blazing history as well. It included some big names such as Mathwar Singh Thapa who was prime minister of Nepal. His great uncle was Bhimsen Thapa, prime minister of Nepal for 32 years who had fought and survived against British Imperialism. It was uncle Mathwar Singh who gave him the name “Jung” because of his fiery and fearless attitude.

His Greatness was foreseen:
It was said that during his childhood when he was herding cattle like other ordinary kids at that time, he fell asleep and people say that there was a black cobra who had spread its neck flap to protect Jung’s head from the scorching sun. Then people predicted that Jung Bahadur Rana is going to be a great person then and there.

Got His Job Back Catching a Wild Elephant by Bare Hands:
Due to bad political circumstances, Jung Bahadur Rana and his father both lost both of their job which lead to severe economic hardships for the family. Jung Bahadur got his job back by catching a wild elephant during an elephant chasing competition during the hunting expedition organized by King Rajendra himself.

He Even Caught a Leopard Alive: Wait What!!
It’s a true story where he caught a leopard alive who has entered the city by just using a fruit basket and sword.

Performed Many Daredevil Acts:
He performed many acts of great courage and daredevilry like controlling a mad elephant, jumping down while riding a horse in a rapidly flowing river during monsoon season, saving the drowning woman in another rapidly flowing river, jumping on a well containing the bones of dead animals and was injured doing this. Contrary to popular opinion he did not jump from a nine-story 236 feet tall building called Dharhara constructed by his uncle Bhimsen Thapa.

Fought in two wars and won:
Jung Bahadur Rana fought in two wars; First was Nepal Tibet War defeating Tibetan and Chinese forces and forced Tibet to humiliate treaties and Rs 10000 per year reparations. The second war was the Indian Sepoy Mutiny where he assisted the British in quelling the rebellion and in return British gave back some of the territories they had taken during the Anglo-Nepal War.

Jung Bahadur Rana Became First Nepalese to Visit Europe
Jung Bahadur Rana was the first Nepalese statesman to visit Europe and not surprisingly Europeans were impressed by the Nepalese.

Visited the Burial Site of Napoleon Bonaparte
Jung Bahadur Rana was the first Nepalese to visit the burial site of the French Emperor and was in regular correspondence with his nephew French Emperor Napoleon III.

Was Jung Bahadur Rana Friends with Duke of Wellington?
Not surprisingly he was close friends with Duke of Wellington the man who had defeated Napoleon Bonaparte and they used to correspond with each other. Jung Bahadur even wrote an obituary for the duke when he died.

Did Jung Bahadur Rana Have an Affair With an English Lady and Had a Child?
During his stay in England, he had an affair with an English socialite named Laura Bell and probably had a child out of wedlock with her.

How Many Wives Did Junga Bahadur Rana Have?
As mentioned before he had affair in England. Not only that he had affairs in Nepal as well which most famous one is with Putali(butterfly) Maharani who was a servant at the royal palace and had saved his life once. He had 42 wives as well. What a man!!!

What was Jung Bahadur Rana Fond of?
Jung Bahadur was fond of hunting and his guest included the Prince of Wales, the future King of England. He probably killed the largest tiger to date.

Who established the first school in Nepal?
After returning from Europe he established the first school in Nepal to educate his kinsman in western ways and education.

Did not plan the massacre which fixed him to the power almost permanently: What?!!!

Contrary to popular belief he did not plan the massacre which led him to power like his great uncle Bhimsen Thapa. However, unlike his great uncle, he improvised the killing because it was either him or the others and unsurprisingly he chose himself. Another human factor was he sent the family members of the killed in the massacre to exile, unlike his uncle who murdered them and feed them to jackals and dogs.
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