Best Ways to Get a Police Clearance Report in Nepal

What is a Police Clearance Report?
For those who don’t know, a Police clearance report is a document that is issued by the government as a result of a background check done by the government to check if a person has any criminal records. This report can include records such as arrests, convictions, and any other activities that result in one breaking the law of a country.
This is a vital document that is required for Visa and immigration as well as emigration application. Along with this Police clearance report also helps in getting a better social security score as well.
Now this leaves a question, How do we get a Police Clearance Report?
How to get a Police Clearance Report?

To get a police clearance report, you first have to apply for the application. Now there are mainly two ways to apply for this, one of which is online and another is in person.
Apply Online
With the advancement of technology, there is barely any application that is not available online. Police Clearance Report is just one of many applications that you can fill online. To do this you have to

- Go to the site
- Click on Register
- Fill in the details and confirm your Email
- Change the password from the default provided
- Log in
- Fill in the application form with the required details
- Submit the form
This is a simple process and as long as you fill in the details correctly, you should receive an email telling you that your application has been submitted and you will be notified later for further updates and proceedings. However, it is a bit difficult when you have to apply in person.
Applying in Person
While applying for a Police Clearance Report through the online media, there was no issue between where you are from, there are different procedures depending on where you reside. One for people residing within the country and one for those who reside outside the country.
The application process for citizens residing within Nepal
If you are a citizen of Nepal, are residing in Nepal, and want to apply in person for a Police Clearance Report, then you can follow these procedures.
- You should apply in person at the “Verification section” under the “Crime Investigation Department” of the Police Headquarters
- You shall then go to the respective office along with the original documents
- Fill the application form as per the guidelines and submit the application
The application process for citizens residing outside Nepal and foreigners
For those who want to apply for police clearance in Nepal but are not residing in Nepal, the following are the steps you need to follow. Do note that the following procedures can be followed by both Nepali and foreigners.
- You can apply at their nearest embassy or consulate
- You can get the application form from the embassy.
- Call the office and fix the appointment for a personnel visit
- Ask for the details regarding the rules and procedure while making the call
- Go to the office with both the original’s if all the documents required along with their copy
In these two ways, one can apply in person for the Police Clearance Report. Now Before applying you must have the required documents. If you don’t have the required documents, complications may occur.
Documents Required for Police Clearance Report
As Police Clearance Reports can be made by both Nepali and Foreigners, both of them require a different set of documents. Admittedly foreigners do have to prepare a few more documents when compared to Nepali, mostly because they have to prove that they are approved to stay in Nepal or have stayed in Nepal for any duration of time. Along with foreign Nationals, we have to consider the refugees who are residing in our country as well. So this too is grouped into four parts.
Documents Required For Nepalese citizens
- Citizenship Proof/ Document of Nationality
- Valid Passport
- Driving License
- Valid Identity Card
- Marriage Certificate (in case of Women)
- Application Form
- Passport-sized Digital photo in color
Documents Required for Foreign Nationals (Non-refugees) – For those who have stayed in Nepal
- Verified copy of Passport with arrival Stamp of Nepal Immigration office while entering Nepal
- Verified copy of Passport with departure Stamp of Nepal Immigration office while leaving Nepal
- Verified copies of Documents issued by the applicant’s organization for arrival in Nepal that includes, Verified Identity Card, Passport, Driving license, different procedures are depending and id Citizenship
- 3 Passport sized Color Photo
Documents Required for Foreign Nationals (Non-refugees)- For those who have not stayed in Nepal
- Verified Identity Card
- Verified Passport
- Verified Driving license
- Valid Citizenship
Documents Required for Refugees Residing in Nepal
- Verified Copy of Passport with arrival stamp of Nepal Immigration Nepalwhile entering Nepal
- Copy from the Refugee Travel Document
- 3 Passport sized color Photo
Documents Required to Show While Applying Online
There are a certain number of documents you need to show when filling the form online as well. They can be separated into four parts as well
Documents required for Nepali Citizens
- Passport
- Citizenship
- Marriage certificate
- 3 Colored Passport-sized Photo
Documents required for Non-residential Nepali
- Passport
- Page number 2,3 and 39
- The stamp of the Nepal Immigration Department during the last departure
- Citizenship
- Marriage certificate
- 3 Colored Passport-sized Photo
Documents required for refugees
- Copy of Unexpired Refugee Travel Document
- Copy of travel Document with Arrival and Departure stamp from Nepal Immigration Office while entering and Leaving
- Copy of Refugee Card
- Letter from refugee Camp
- 1 Colored Passport Sized Photo
Documents required for Foreigners
- Copy of Unexpired Passport
- Copy of Arrival and Departure (If the said person is no longer residing in Nepal) stamp from the Nepal Immigration Office while entering and exiting
- Recommendation letter from the organization where the applicant applied
- 1 Colored Passport-sized Photo
Now before you go apply you should also know that the applications will only be accepted if they are submitted between 10:00 PM and 02:00 PM from Sunday to Thursday and between 10:00 am and 01:00 PM on Fridays. The office will be closed on Saturday. Before making these documents however you have to be eligible first.
Eligibility To Get Police Clearance Report
To be eligible for Police Clearance Report, you need to be at the very least above 16 years of age. If you are under this age, then you will be considered a Minor and you will not be eligible to submit it personally. Along with this there are are a few more criteria that you have to meet in order to apply and get this document which are:
- You should have a valid passport and a valid address
- The information must be the same as the ones mentioned in the passport
- You should require residential status, employment, long-term visa, or imigration.
If you do not meet the mentioned conditions, in most cases making a police clearance report will be redundant and hence a waste of time so your request will not be accepted.
Final Thoughts
Police Clearance Report is not a vital document for a lot of Nepali. A lot of us live our lives without knowing what it is. However, for a lot of us, it is one of the most important documents as it can very well make or break our life due to its use in Visa. Understanding the entire process can be a bit complicated however if you only look at what you need and ignore the rest, it is quite simple to understand. What do you think about this process, have you ever needed this or not? Do let us know in the comments down below. And as Always, thank you for reading till the end.
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