Why Is Everyone on the Internet So Angry?

Why Is Everyone on the Internet So Angry?

A psychological effect an individual has to have without his/her personal values, beliefs, or opinion is the bandwagon effect. There are a lot of examples where people get into those bandwagons. Either it is to look cool or it is to sound normal people tend to get into those bandwagons. Fashion trends, supporting random sports club, admiring an artist are some examples. I am discussing how “hate” has that bandwagon fallacy going on their mind.

Why Is Everyone on the Internet So Angry?

Hate is always a very harsh emotion someone can have for somebody. The emotion of hating someone needs a lot of toxicity. Hating is such a feeling where an individual cannot even imagine someone hating them. Hate is a feeling which is why it never gets justice by words.

Why Is Everyone on the Internet So Angry?

A person’s mind shall be toxic if he/she is into this “hate bandwagon” right? Most of the people might agree to this but this is not the case here. There are a lot of people who have no idea why are they hating something. Just, for example, a song by Justin Bieber “Baby” is the most disliked music video. The ratio of the dislikes tends people to dislike that video without even watching it. If you did that, then you are into hate bandwagon, my friend. A familiar hate bandwagon we can see in social media is hating “TikTok”. People have no idea about why are they hating it. It has nothing to do with their perspective or their opinion. They will hate it for no reason.

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Why Is Everyone on the Internet So Angry?

Bandwagon is not always toxic. The hashtags like “JusticeForNirmalaPanta” is also a bandwagon people got into. The main concern is people should be aware of their opinion and their priorities before getting into the bandwagon fallacy. If you do something with individuality then it’s okay to get in the fallacy same with hate too. You can hate it if you really feel like hating not because someone did that. An individual should have their strong opinion without getting into any bandwagons.