What Kind of Guys Do Nepali Girls Like To Date?

First thing first, with the concept of “Girls, never make the first move”, a guy is always expected to make all the moves. The “casual” date in Nepal is yet not a big option. The procedure of dating still includes making a good impression, taking for weeks or months, and finally getting a date.
The whole “finding a date in Nepal” depends on your intention -Marriage? Or Dating? Or Fun?
Here is the kind of guy would girls date in Nepal. But the question is, are you ready to face the truth?

This is probably the first thing any genuine girl would look for her man. A handsome guy with lots of self-confidence is very attractive.
No other character can make a girl fall so easily for you.

Guys can impress girls when they treat her with respect. Just little things like offering your jacket when she is cold, talking with respect, and making an effort to comfort her will make her fall in love with you.

Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest is well applied here. The flirting skills of the Nepali millennial have been ruined by the classic concept of arranged marriage. A cheesy pickup line in the first conversation might not impress me, but some healthy flirt is definitely a plus. Never hesitate to pass some flirty comments in your conversation.

Girls always look for someone who can make them laugh and say that she is beautiful. Make sure your girl knows that you think she is adorably sexy.
Attention giver

Even today, girls are not comfortable making the first move. So it’s upon you to make her realize that you are open to dating. Praise her, pamper her, and give her attention (just enough attention) before asking for a date.

You won’t be blamed you if you think “Good girls like bad boys”. That’s what Bollywood taught us all these years.
But girls would like to date a guy who has a sense of respect and decency. Not a nerd, but a gentleman would be good. If you think a profile picture with a bike and multiple ear-rings is going to impress her, my boy, you might need to re-think. Nepali girls also like boys who don’t drink and smoke. Someone who they can get married to in the future.

Talent is the new sexy. Girls like intellectual and talented guys who are likely to have likely to get good jobs.
Feminist guy

Oh! This can be a game-changer for you.
While seeking for romantic relationships, girls are not always looking for a husband to get married immediately. But if you are not a teen, it’s just a matter of time before you two start planning to settle down.
Making her realize about your feminine side, telling how much you hate the long-lasting patriarchy, and want to change things might make her fall for you.

It might just be me, but the classic date of pulling a chair, opening a door, and giving a small gift (or a bar of chocolate?) still makes quite an impression on girls.
Good Grooming

Basic grooming standards like showering, wearing clean clothes, wearing deodorant, etc makes a good impression. Girls mostly notice the boy’s style and how he carries himself.
Easy to Talk to
Girls like to engage in long meaningful conversations with her guy. A good listener has more chances to impress his girl. But you should also be able to talk meaningful and share your feelings.

But, hey, there’s no “hard and fast” rule for dating. There are girls who might not be interested in any serious relationships– so there’s a ‘time-pass’ rule. There might be someone who is looking or a long term relationship- so there’s an “I am a husband kind of guy” rule.
Remember, every girl is different in her ways. So don’t think that one formula will work.
But never stop trying. Your soulmate might be waiting for you to make the move.
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