Top 5 Free Android and iOS Language Translation Apps

Top 5 Free Android and iOS Language Translation Apps

Learning a new language is not an easy job, but in this global era, it has become a necessity to communicate with people from different languages. But don’t worry!! With the advancement of technology, the language barrier isn’t a barrier anymore. With these handy translation apps, you can easily read, speak, write, and understand any language you want, either for traveling, watching new movies or TV, chatting with foreigners, or consuming contents of different languages or even for enhancing your business scope in the global market.

Top 5 Free Android and iOS Language Translation Apps
Translation Sample Using Google Translate

Thus, the language barrier is not a hurdle to get connected with people in this globalization. However, all these created apps are not the best, so here are the lists of the best of the best apps for your convenience.

1. Google Translate

  • Free language translation app for both Android and iPhone
  • Supports text translations in 103 languages and speech translation (or conversation translations) in 32 languages
  • Capable of doing camera translations in 38 languages and photo/image translations in 50 languages
  • Translates handwriting in 93 languages
  • Offline translation in 59 languages
  • Performs translations across apps
Top 5 Free Android and iOS Language Translation Apps
Download: Android | iOS

Google Translate is number 1 in the Reference category of apps in the iOS App Store, with no surprise, it is highly popular and relied upon by most Internet users worldwide. It’s fast and more accurate and is powered by Google’s behemoth worldwide computing power and data sets. It is more advanced because of the features like translations of texts and numbers taken by a device’s camera (camera translation) or by analyzing a photo or image fed into the app (not taken by the camera). Also, this app helps to translate the conversation of two people speaking different languages by translating real-time voices through their respective smartphones.

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However, it does not recognize long sentence or multisyllabic word in loud places and send you a message saying “Speech recognition not available.” Also, it is not particularly good at recognizing proper names or names of places. Though, it is constantly innovating.

2. iTranslate

  • Free (limited) translation app for Android and iOS with a premium/paid (full) version
  • Supports text translations in over 100 languages and speech translations in 40 languages
  • Camera translation (in the premium version)
  • Dictionary and phrasebook
  • Offline mode
Top 5 Free Android and iOS Language Translation Apps
Download: Android | iOS

iTranslate is one of the very popular translation apps in the world having more than 3,50,000 ratings on both iTunes and GooglePlay with almost four and five stars. It is a free translation and language dictionary app that performs text-to-text, voice-to-voice, as well as text-to-voice translations in more than 100 languages. However for offline features, website translation, camera translation, voice-to-voice conversations, and verb conjugations, you need to pay $5.99 per month and $49.99 for a yearly subscription to upgrade the premium version of the app.

3. Microsoft Translator

  • Free language translation app for iPhone and Android
  • Supports text translations in 64 languages and speech translation in 21 languages
  • Supports camera and image translation
  • Enables multi-person translated conversations
  • Features a phrasebook as well as pronunciation guides
  • Allows translation sharing between apps
Top 5 Free Android and iOS Language Translation Apps
Download: Android | iOS

Microsoft Translator is also a pretty good option for online and offline translations in more than 60 languages. However, you need to download language packs to enable offline use. It is useful for text, voice, conversation, and image translations. The image translation feature can analyze images taken by a device’s camera, photos uploaded to it, as well as screenshots to detect texts and generate the desired translations. It also allows up to 100 people speaking different languages to communicate through the app, with their voices automatically interpreted. Other benefits of this app are: it has a rich phrasebook as well as pronunciation guides to learn and speak foreign language phrases that often encountered during travels.

It is entirely free with no in-app purchases or ads.

4. SayHi

  • Free translation app for Android and iOS
  • Supports text and speech translations in 90 languages
  • Camera translation capable that can translate some Asian characters
  • Can translate and copy translations across apps
  • Male and female voices for speech translation with the ability to slow down speech speed
Top 5 Free Android and iOS Language Translation Apps
Download: Android | iOS

SayHi is also known as the “voice translator” because you can simply record your device and the app will translate it into the language you’ve selected. It has additional features like you can play your translation in the voice of either a woman or a man, and adjust the speed as per your need. In a noisy environment, you can also type instead of speaking into the microphone. This app supports 90 languages. It also comes with a camera translation feature, which works for major Asian characters (Mongolian like Chinese, Japanese, Korean). It is also helpful for copying and sharing translated texts through email, SMS, and social media. 

5. TripLingo

  • Free (limited) translator for Android and iOS with a premium/paid (full) version
  • Instant voice translation in 19 languages
  • Comes with more than 26,000 phrases in 13 languages
  • Has over 30,000 professionally recorded translation audios
  • Provides an offline language dictionary with approximately 10,000 words
  • Image translation capable
  • Allows users to connect to a human translator (premium service) for getting more accurate live translations
Top 5 Free Android and iOS Language Translation Apps
Download: Android | iOS

TripLingo is the best and most popular app in Google Play and iTunes with more than 300,000 users because it helps international travelers for instant speech translation. It can translate 19 languages and it provides a phrasebook with scores of thousands of entries in 13 languages. It is specially designed for travelers when traveling to a country with a different language. It has professionally recorded translation audios along with standard written pronunciation guides. Also includes an offline dictionary, language learning audio lessons, as well as flashcards and quizzes.

Besides language translation, this app provides other useful features to the travelers like calculator, currency converter, and the ability to call US-based numbers via Wi-Fi or data connection. This app also provides a “culture crash course” to help users get familiar with local customs and etiquette in selected countries.

What you should know before choosing these translation apps?

  • Price: Either its free or paid version!!
  • What and how many are languages offered?
  • Devices that the apps will support?
  • What are the features?
  • Offline or online only?
  • How does it translate the language?
  • Speed and accuracy?

Reasons to use Translation Apps

  • To learn a new language
  • To communicate with foreigners
  • To watch foreign movies or TV shows
  • To consume international contents
  • For traveling
  • To expand business in the global market


You can download any of these apps, as per your need and convenience!!