Tips To Master Your Communication Skills:

Communication skill is indispensable in today’s world. Master in soft skill is emphasized as the success mantra irrespective of the field across industries. It involves the art of conveying your message just the right way and also understanding what others want to say. A good communication skill is a tough skill for most people even though it is achievable with constant practice and some useful techniques:
1. Be a good listener:
Listening is one of the key factors in good communication. Listen to understand rather than to reply for improving your communication skills . The more you are open to listening the more you will be preferred by people around you.

2. Be patient and understand another party:
Anyone will be more open to communicating if they have confidence that you understand them. Have generosity and be less judgemental and show your interest in what he/she wants to share.

3.Maintain eye contact:
It is important to look at the person’s eyes when you are talking to them as it builds credibility and shows you care. It symbolizes that you respect them and what they have to say

4. Be empathetic:
Empathy is one of the most important human qualities which you can give to any person as most of them like receiving it. Do not dismiss another person’s emotions and value their feelings. Be concern about their situations.

5. Agree to disagreements:
It is very natural to have disagreements as it is about two individual opinions. Accepting this fact and accepting disagreement in a polite and civil manner will help you to be a good.

6. Presenting yourself through your body language :
Body language is a part of communication. Use of hands and a relevant posture has to a lot with what you want to put across as studies show that 65% of communication is non-verbal. Observe signs of disagreement that your listener is sending to you and also be aware that your body is sending signals too.

7. Take time to respond:
Do not react to any situation rather take time and respond to it. For an instance rather than saying ‘you are making me angry’ put it across as ‘I am frustrated’

8. The question to understand:
Inculcate the habit of questioning in order to understand rather than interrogate the other party. People love to answer and this way you will be able to keep them engaged in communication. Try to draw more information from others rather than broadcasting your own opinion.