Do you know these Internet Slangs?

Do you know these Internet Slangs?

Internet slang is also called AOL speak. AOLese, AOLbonics, Netspeak, or Leetspeak. While it does save keystrokes, netspeak can prove very hard to read. Internet slang has become widely used.

Here is a list of email, instant message and chat room acronyms (slang) and word abbreviations commonly used online- and their meanings:

Zookti best website development company in Nepal
AAMOFAs a matter of fact
ABFLA big fat lady
ADNAny day now
AFAICAs far as I’m concerned
AFAICTAs far as I can tell
AFAICSAs far as I can see
AFAIKAs far as i know
AFAYCAs far as you’re concerned
AFKAway from keyboard
AISIAs I see it
AIUIAs I understand it
AKAAlso known as
AMLAll my love
ANFSCDAnd now for something completely different
ASAPAs soon as possible
ASLAge, sex, location
ASLPAge, sex, location, picture
ATMAt this moment
AWAAs well as
AWHFYAre we having fun yet?
AWOLAbsent without leave/Away without leave
AYORAt your own risk
AYPI?And your point is?
B4NBye for Now
BACBack at computer
BAKBack at the keyboard
BBIABBe back in a bit
BBLBe back later
BBSBe back soon
BCBe cool
BIONBelieve it or not
BKABetter known as
BOTBack on topic
BTABut then again
CDIWYCouldn’t do it without you
CFVCall for votes
CFYCalling for you
CIDCrying in disgrace
CTSChange the subject
CUSee you
CU2See you too
CWOTComplete waste of time
DBADoing business as
DHDarling Husband
DIKUDo I know you?
DIYDo it yourself
DNDDo not disturb
DIRTDo the right thing
DYKDo you know
EAKEating at keyboard
EIEEnough is enough
EODEnd of discussion
EOLEnd of life
EOSEnd of story
FTF/F2F/F/FFace to face
FOSFreedom of speech
FAQFrequently asked question
FAWCFor anyone who cares
FBOWFor better or worse
FCFSFirst come first served
FCOLFor crying out loud
FISHFirst in, still here
FOAFFriend of a friend
FOCFree of charge
FOTCLFalling of the chair laughing
FTTTFrom time to time
FYIFor your information
G2BGoing to bed
GAGo ahead
GALGet a life
GEGood evening
GJGood job
GLGood luck
GOKGod only knows
GNGood night
GMGood morning
GFUGood for you
GIGOGarbage in garbage out
GTSYGlad to see you
H&K/HAKHug and Kiss
HAGDHave a good day
HANDHave a nice day
HBHug back/Hurry back
HFHave fun
HHHolding hands
HMSHanging myself
HTHHope this helps
ICI see
IAEIn an event
IDII doubt it
IDCI don’t care
IDKI don’t know
ILUI love you
IHY/IHUI hate you
IMOIn my opinion
IKI know
IMAOIn my arrogant opinion
IMPI might be pregnant
IRLIn real life
ISI’m sorry
ITRWIn the real world
JAMJust a minute
JASJust a second
JICJust in case
JJWYJust joking with you
JPJust playing
JKJust kidding
KITKeep in touch
KISSKeeping it sweetly simple
LHMLord help me
LNKLove and kisses
LOLLaughing out loud/Lots of luck/ Lots of love
LTNSLong time no see
LAMLeave a message
LYLLove you lots
MBMay be
MYOBMind your own business
N2MNot too much
N1Nice one
NMNever mind
NOMNo offence meant
NPNo problem
OBTWOh, by the way
OICOh, I see
OMGOh my god/gosh/goodness
OTOHOn the other hand
OTPOn the phone
PAWParents are watching
PDSPlease don’t shoot
PMPrivate message
Q4UQuestion for you
ROFLRolling on floor again
RTFRead the FAQ
RTMRead the manual
RTSMRead the stupid manual
RUMOFAre you male or female?
RUTTMAre you talking to me?
RUUP4ITAre you up for it?
RVDReally very dumb
S2RSend to receive
SAMAGALStop annoying me and get a life
SCNRSorry, could not resist
SETESmiling ear to ear
SGTMSilently giggling to myself
SHSo hot
SHMILYSee how much I Love You
SIFAs if
SOHFSense of humor failure
SOMYSick of me yet?
SPAMStupid person advertisement
STBYSucks to be you
STWSearch the web
SWAKSealed with kiss
SWALKSweet, with all love, kisses
SIMShit, it’s Monday
SYSSee you soon
TAThanks again
TAWTeachers are watching
TCOTake care of
TGIFThank god its Friday
THTHToo hot to handle
TIAThanks in advance
TIICThe idiots in charge
TJMThat’s just me
TMATake my advice
TMIToo much information
TMSToo much showing
TOHTo other half
TOYThinking of you
TPTBThe powers that be
TSDMCTears streaming down my cheeks
TTYLTalk to you later
TUThank you
U2You too
UWYou’re Welcome
VBGVery big green
VBSVery big smile
W8AMWait a minute
WAYWhat about you?
WAYWho are you?
WBWelcome back
WBSWrite back soon
WDHLMWhy doesn’t he love me?
WFMWorks for me
WPWrong Person
WRTWith respect to
WTGWay to go
WTGPWant to go private
WTHWhat/Who the heck
WTMIWay to much information
WUWhat’s up?
WUFWhere are you from
WUU2What you up to?
WUWTWhat’s up with that?
WYCM?Will you call me?
WYMMWill you marry me?
WYRNWhat’s your real name?
WYSIWYGWhat you see is what you get
XTLAExtended three letter acronym
Y2KYou’re too kind
YATBYou are the best
YBSYou’ll be sorry
YGYoung gentleman
YKYWTKMYou know you want to kiss me
YLYoung lady
YMYou mean
YMYoung Mind
YMMDYou’ve made my day
YMMVYour mileage may vary
YVMYou’re very welcome
YWYou’re welcome
YWIAYou’re welcome in advance
YWTHMYou want to hug me
YWTLMYou want to love me
YWTKMYou want to kiss me
YOYOYou’re on your own
YY4UToo wise for you
ZZZSleeping, bored, tired
?4uQuestion for you
143I love you
2U2To you too
2MFMToo much for me
420 4lifeMarijuana
4AYNFor all you know
4COLFor crying out loud
4SaleFor Sale
4UFor you
*G*Giggle or grin