Do you know these Internet Slangs?
Internet slang is also called AOL speak. AOLese, AOLbonics, Netspeak, or Leetspeak. While it does save keystrokes, netspeak can prove very hard to read. Internet slang has become widely used.
Here is a list of email, instant message and chat room acronyms (slang) and word abbreviations commonly used online- and their meanings:
AAMOF | As a matter of fact |
ABFL | A big fat lady |
Abt | About |
ADDY | Address |
ADN | Any day now |
AFAIC | As far as I’m concerned |
AFAICT | As far as I can tell |
AFAICS | As far as I can see |
AFAIK | As far as i know |
AFAYC | As far as you’re concerned |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
AISI | As I see it |
AIUI | As I understand it |
AKA | Also known as |
AML | All my love |
ANFSCD | And now for something completely different |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
ASL | Age, sex, location |
ASLP | Age, sex, location, picture |
ATM | At this moment |
AWA | As well as |
AWHFY | Are we having fun yet? |
AWOL | Absent without leave/Away without leave |
AYOR | At your own risk |
AYPI? | And your point is? |
B4N | Bye for Now |
BAC | Back at computer |
BAK | Back at the keyboard |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit |
BBL | Be back later |
BBS | Be back soon |
BC | Be cool |
BION | Believe it or not |
BKA | Better known as |
BOT | Back on topic |
BTA | But then again |
B& | Banned |
CDIWY | Couldn’t do it without you |
CFV | Call for votes |
CFY | Calling for you |
CID | Crying in disgrace |
CTS | Change the subject |
CU | See you |
CU2 | See you too |
CWOT | Complete waste of time |
DBA | Doing business as |
DH | Darling Husband |
DIKU | Do I know you? |
DIY | Do it yourself |
DL | Download |
DND | Do not disturb |
DIRT | Do the right thing |
DYK | Do you know |
EAK | Eating at keyboard |
EIE | Enough is enough |
EOD | End of discussion |
EOL | End of life |
EOS | End of story |
F | Female |
FTF/F2F/F/F | Face to face |
FOS | Freedom of speech |
FAQ | Frequently asked question |
FAWC | For anyone who cares |
FBOW | For better or worse |
FCFS | First come first served |
FCOL | For crying out loud |
FISH | First in, still here |
FOAF | Friend of a friend |
FOC | Free of charge |
FOTCL | Falling of the chair laughing |
FTTT | From time to time |
FYI | For your information |
G2B | Going to bed |
GA | Go ahead |
GAL | Get a life |
GF | Girlfriend |
GE | Good evening |
GJ | Good job |
GL | Good luck |
GOK | God only knows |
GN | Good night |
GM | Good morning |
GFU | Good for you |
GIGO | Garbage in garbage out |
GTSY | Glad to see you |
H8 | Hate |
H&K/HAK | Hug and Kiss |
HAGD | Have a good day |
HAND | Have a nice day |
HB | Hug back/Hurry back |
HF | Have fun |
HH | Holding hands |
HMS | Hanging myself |
HTH | Hope this helps |
IC | I see |
IAE | In an event |
IDI | I doubt it |
IDC | I don’t care |
IDK | I don’t know |
ILU | I love you |
IHY/IHU | I hate you |
IMO | In my opinion |
IK | I know |
IMAO | In my arrogant opinion |
IMP | I might be pregnant |
IRL | In real life |
IS | I’m sorry |
ITRW | In the real world |
JAM | Just a minute |
JAS | Just a second |
JIC | Just in case |
JJWY | Just joking with you |
JP | Just playing |
JK | Just kidding |
K | OK/Kissing |
KIT | Keep in touch |
KISS | Keeping it sweetly simple |
L | Laugh |
LD | Long-distance |
LHM | Lord help me |
LNK | Love and kisses |
LOL | Laughing out loud/Lots of luck/ Lots of love |
LTNS | Long time no see |
LAM | Leave a message |
LYL | Love you lots |
M | Male |
MB | May be |
MYOB | Mind your own business |
M8 | Mate |
N | In |
N2M | Not too much |
N1 | Nice one |
NM | Never mind |
NOM | No offence meant |
NP | No problem |
OBTW | Oh, by the way |
OIC | Oh, I see |
OMG | Oh my god/gosh/goodness |
OTOH | On the other hand |
OTP | On the phone |
PAW | Parents are watching |
PDS | Please don’t shoot |
PLZ | Please |
PM | Private message |
PPL | People |
QT | Cutie |
Q4U | Question for you |
QSL | Reply |
QSO | Conversation |
RCed | Reconnected |
ROFL | Rolling on floor again |
RT | Retweet |
RM | Remake |
RTF | Read the FAQ |
RTM | Read the manual |
RTSM | Read the stupid manual |
RUMOF | Are you male or female? |
RUTTM | Are you talking to me? |
RUUP4IT | Are you up for it? |
RVD | Really very dumb |
S2R | Send to receive |
SAMAGAL | Stop annoying me and get a life |
SCNR | Sorry, could not resist |
SETE | Smiling ear to ear |
SGTM | Silently giggling to myself |
SH | So hot |
SHMILY | See how much I Love You |
SIF | As if |
SOHF | Sense of humor failure |
SOMY | Sick of me yet? |
SPAM | Stupid person advertisement |
SRY | Sorry |
STBY | Sucks to be you |
STW | Search the web |
SWAK | Sealed with kiss |
SWALK | Sweet, with all love, kisses |
SIM | Shit, it’s Monday |
SYS | See you soon |
TA | Thanks again |
TAW | Teachers are watching |
TCO | Take care of |
TGIF | Thank god its Friday |
THTH | Too hot to handle |
THX | Thanks |
TIA | Thanks in advance |
TIIC | The idiots in charge |
TJM | That’s just me |
TMA | Take my advice |
TMI | Too much information |
TMS | Too much showing |
TNX | Thanks |
TOH | To other half |
TOY | Thinking of you |
TPTB | The powers that be |
TSDMC | Tears streaming down my cheeks |
TTYL | Talk to you later |
TU | Thank you |
U2 | You too |
UR | Your |
UW | You’re Welcome |
VBG | Very big green |
VBS | Very big smile |
W8 | Wait |
W8AM | Wait a minute |
WAY | What about you? |
WAY | Who are you? |
WB | Welcome back |
WBS | Write back soon |
WDHLM | Why doesn’t he love me? |
WE | Whatever |
WFM | Works for me |
WP | Wrong Person |
WRT | With respect to |
WTG | Way to go |
WTGP | Want to go private |
WTH | What/Who the heck |
WTMI | Way to much information |
WU | What’s up? |
WUF | Where are you from |
WUU2 | What you up to? |
WUWT | What’s up with that? |
WYCM? | Will you call me? |
WYMM | Will you marry me? |
WYRN | What’s your real name? |
WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get |
XTLA | Extended three letter acronym |
Y | Why? |
Y2K | You’re too kind |
YATB | You are the best |
YBS | You’ll be sorry |
YG | Young gentleman |
YKYWTKM | You know you want to kiss me |
YL | Young lady |
YM | You mean |
YM | Young Mind |
YMMD | You’ve made my day |
YMMV | Your mileage may vary |
YVM | You’re very welcome |
YW | You’re welcome |
YWIA | You’re welcome in advance |
YWTHM | You want to hug me |
YWTLM | You want to love me |
YWTKM | You want to kiss me |
YOYO | You’re on your own |
YY4U | Too wise for you |
ZZZ | Sleeping, bored, tired |
? | Huh? |
?4u | Question for you |
143 | I love you |
2U2 | To you too |
2MFM | Too much for me |
420 4life | Marijuana |
4AYN | For all you know |
4COL | For crying out loud |
4Sale | For Sale |
4U | For you |
=w= | Whatever |
*G* | Giggle or grin |
*H* | Hug |
*K* | Kiss |
*S* | Smile |
*W* | Wink |