5 ways to identify New COVID Symptoms

The game of tag is going for quite a long time now, and still, the Covid seems to outsmart humans by remaining one step ahead. Nevertheless, this article is not a cynical claim but to show how humans are tagging along too, to catch up with ever-mutating Coronavirus.
With the increased insights in treating the virus to developing the vaccines, humans have so far been giving tough competition. However, the sinister still looms, and we must be vigilant all the time in this precarious situation.
In this pursuit, we have come up with tips based on scientific evidence which will help you keep updated with the changing symptoms of COVID as the virus mutates.
The basic common symptoms
According to World Health Organization
Common symptoms are:
- Fever
- Dry Cough
- Tiredness
Less common symptoms are:
- aches and pains
- sore throat
- diarrhea
- red eye
- headache
- loss of taste or smell
- a rash on the skin
- discoloration of fingers or toes
- nasal congestion
Serious symptoms are:
- difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- chest pain or pressure
- loss of speech or movement
Apart from this, now the COVID crisis has loomed and shifted to South Asian Region. Due to this, Nepal is going through the worst wave of COVID than ever seen before. The new variant of COVID has entered, and so has the symptoms. So without wasting any time, let’s dive straight into the new COVID-related symptoms.
The New COVID Related Symptoms
The newer symptoms that have arrived with the mutation
A research journal published on March 25, 2021, of NIH (National Institute of Health) based in the US, claimed that they found evidence of COVID infecting the mouth cells. Thus, the new symptoms of COVID have emerged as Oral symptoms.
The study clearly correlates with the new emerging symptoms seen in India as well as Nepal. So, what are those symptoms? Let’s find out.
1. Dry Mouth

The latest symptoms outline the dryness in lips and mouth, where the saliva glands don’t produce much saliva to keep your mouth lubricated.
Now, be aware this is not the only deciding factor that you have COVID. Other factors such as Dehydration, Drugs Side Effects, Humidity also can cause such symptoms.
2. Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are like wounds or rashes that more like the pimples that come on your face. These ulcers appear when the virus starts affecting your muscle fibers.
3. Inflammation/Burning sensation in your tongue
If you have a sharp sensation of sting or burning sensation and if it feels like your tongue has inflated, it might be the sign of COVID.
4. Change in the color of the tongue
The newer symptoms have also outlined the change in your tongue’s color. If it is white and rough and you feel irritation, swelling, and rashes in your mouth, it can be a symptom of COVID.
5. Eye

Commonly outlined as ‘Conjuctivity’ is the allergic reaction which affects the eye causing inflammation resulted from- Pink Eye. This causes the eye to display Red/Pink color with irritation. The irritation might also cause a bulge in the tissue near your eyes, creating an extra burden and pain.
Now, we must have heard this phrase quite often, “No one is safe until everyone is safe”. This phrase does sum up the situation the world is in right now.
The point here is, along with the most common signs, now it’s imperative that we look out for the newer symptoms.
People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home. But if you have serious symptoms Seek for immediate medical attention.
Stay Safe!
And also to read the “Glass Half-full” part of the Covid by clicking on the link below: