5 Hair Growth Tips to Get Naturally Long and Healthy Hair

5 Hair Growth Tips to Get Naturally Long and Healthy Hair

For a few women, enviably beautiful and long hair just happens. But for the rest of us, having a butt-length hair is a struggle. First thing first, Hair growth tips will not make your hair grow overnight. 

Sometimes, no matter how many vitamins you choke down every morning or the number of trims you make, the result is not always satisfactory. The struggle is real. 

If you take good care of your messy hair, it will grow at-least half an inch per month. At the same time, the quality- strength, and elasticity of your hair also improve. 

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So are you ready to get super sexy hair with our useful Hair Growth Tips?

Shampoo Less

5 Hair Growth Tips to Get Naturally Long and Healthy Hair
Shampoo Less

You might want to look clean and fresh every day but shampooing your hair frequently is the worst you can do. Shampoo uses harsh soaps ingredient called sulfates that strip away natural oils. You need to choose a sulfate-free-shampoo for your hair. 

Scalp Care

5 Hair Growth Tips to Get Naturally Long and Healthy Hair
Scalp Care

The dermis and the epidermis of your scalp have all the hair follicles, fibers, glands, and nerves for the hair growth. Scalp care also minimizes shedding and loss. First, you need to invest in scalp oil, serum, or mask. You might also use scalp shampoo after your treatment. 

Hair-Growth Vitamins

5 Hair Growth Tips to Get Naturally Long and Healthy Hair
Hair Growth Vitamins

If you are already having a balanced diet, your body is typically loaded with all the hair-strengthening ingredients like folic acid, biotin, and vitamins A, C, D, and E. If not, you can use Hair-growth vitamins. But remember to consult with your doctor first. It’s important you take the right type and the right amount of vitamins. Sometimes, hair growth vitamins can be deadly if they interact with other medications you use. 

Use Deep-Conditioners

5 Hair Growth Tips to Get Naturally Long and Healthy Hair
Hair growth

You need to moisturize your hair after each shower. Especially if you use coloring and heat styling the products, you will need a conditioner. DIY conditioners are made from coconut oil, jojoba oil, and almond oil. You can apply them a few hours before the shower. These oils can fill the strands with the fatty acids. 

Common Hair Growth Tips

And lastly, here are some classic but important tips for longer and healthier hair:

  • The classic concept of cutting your hair to make in longer actually works. Frequent trims (removing an eighth of an inch) every 10 to 12 weeks prevents split ends. 
  • Use cold water to wash your hair at the end of your shower. This extra step gives the needed boost for your hair-growing power.
  • As far as possible, avoid heat tools like curling wands, hair straighteners, chemical relaxers, and other treatment 
  • Brush your hair gently 
5 Hair Growth Tips to Get Naturally Long and Healthy Hair
Beautiful Hair


Yes, you cannot grow your hair overnight, but some change in your beauty routine can surely make your hair as healthy as possible. Keeping it hydrated, minimizing the use of heat-tool, and stay away from harmful hair dyes. Hope we all have enviable beautiful and long hair.