10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom

10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom
Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom!!!

Let’s make the wedding ceremony more lovely, enjoyable and engaging with the involvement of the Wedding for the bride and groom.

Wedding games make wedding ceremonies more memorable and enjoyable. It brings the bride and the groom closer and helps them to bond more.

We have seen in TV series or on YouTube where the bride and Groom play interesting wedding games. Now, it is your time to plan the wedding games in your wedding.

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Here, in this article, we have listed 10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom. Choose which you liked the most and play it with the love of your life.

10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom

Here is the list of 10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom. Enjoy Reading!!!

1. The Shoe Game

10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom

This game is hilarious. The Show Game is one of the perfect wedding games for the Bride and Groom. Set up two chairs in the middle of a dance floor in a way both the chairs face opposite one another. Let the Bride and the Groom be seated in individual chairs. Swap one another shoe. That means each person will have one of their own shoes and one of their partner’s shoes. 

Now, the real fun begins. The host asks 30-50 questions such as Who made the first move? and the bride and the groom have to answer by raising the shoe of the one who actually made the first move. If Bride then both of them should rise bride’s shoe and vice-versa.

A test to check how much the Bride and the Groom are familiar with one another life.

The Shoe Game Questions

  • Who made the first move?
  • Who said “I love you” first?
  • Who is the better cook?
  • Who cooks most often?
  • Who is the better driver?
  • Who is more organized?
  • Who has a better fashion sense?
  • Who chooses where you go for dinner?
  • Who does the household chores?
  • Who wakes up first?
  • Who stays up the latest?
  • Who is funnier?
  • Who is the cleanest?
  • Who makes all the plans?
  • Who is more outgoing?
  • Who is the better kisser?
  • Who is the flirtier one?
  • Who is lazy?
  • Who is the cry baby?
  • Who throws tantrums more?
  • Who is better at keeping secrets?
  • Who has the best taste in music?
  • Who has the best taste in films?
  • Who has the best taste in TV?
  • Who is most likely to binge-watch a show?
  • Who loves reading the most?
  • Who is the nerdiest one?
  • Who looks after the pets more?
  • Who talks the most?
  • Who talks the loudest?
  • Who is more serious?
  • Who spends the longest in the bathroom?
  • Who takes the longest showers?
  • Who takes the longest to get ready?
  • Who is the most adventurous?
  • Who plans the best date nights?
  • Who is the pickiest eater?
  • Who looks the best today?
  • Who is the most stubborn?
  • Who exercises more?
  • Who is the better dancer?
  • Who is the better singer?
  • Who takes up more than half of the bed?
  • Who has the better hair?
  • Who is the first to apologize?
  • Who always thinks they are right?
  • Who is more romantic?
  • Who is more honest?
  • Who is more likely to get lost?
  • Who is more likely to stay late at work?
  • Who is more likely to be late for work?
  • Who has the sweetest tooth?
  • Who is the bigger workaholic?

2. Never Ever Have I

10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom

Never Ever Have I is another interesting intense Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom.

This game is interesting just like truth and dare. A host gives both the bride and groom, paddles in which on one side I Have is written and on the other side I Have Never is written. Now the host asks a series of questions and according to the question you have to turn the paddle. If you have done then switch the paddle to I have else switch it to I have never. Easy?

Never Ever Have I Questions

  • Never have I ever said “I love you” just for the sake of saying it.
  • Never have I ever written a love letter to someone.
  • Never have I ever felt ashamed of my partner.
  • Never have I ever massaged someone.
  • Never have I ever kissed someone I don’t know.
  • Never have I ever been unfaithful.
  • Never have I ever said my partner’s cooking was terrible.
  • Never have I ever humiliated my partner.
  • Never have I ever dated someone for their money or looks.
  • Never have I ever thought of my partner as arrogant.
  • Never have I ever forgotten my partner’s birthday.
  • Never have I ever spoken ill of my partner’s parents.
  • Never have I ever said no to picking up the kids from school.
  • Never have I ever said no to cleaning the baby’s diaper.
  • Never have I fallen asleep on my partner while watching TV.
  • Never have I ever lied to impress someone.
  • Never have I ever texted someone just to tell them how much I miss them.
  • Never have I ever written a love letter.
  • Never have I ever tried to match the colour of my clothes with my partner’s.
  • Never have I ever said, “I am on my way” when I was still at work.
  • Never have I ever done community service.
  • Never have I ever been gifted jewellery.
  • Never have I ever made a marriage proposal.
  • Never have I ever fed someone with a spoon.
  • Never have I ever sent someone a cute morning text message.
  • Never have I ever sat by a fire in a forest.
  • Never have I ever gifted someone a bouquet.
  • Never have I ever spent a night with someone on the beach.
  • Never have I ever been on a long drive with someone of the other sex.
  • Never have I ever kissed in a theatre.
  • Never have I ever had a romantic candlelit dinner.
  • Never have I ever dated someone just to make someone else jealous.
  • Never have I ever lied to you about how you looked.
  • Never have I ever thought we should have a baby.
  • Never have I ever hit on someone else while we’ve been together.
  • Never have I ever wanted to change something about my partner.
  • Never have I ever smelled my partner’s clothes.

3. Test Your Partner

 Test the bride and groom bonding and compatibility through. All you need is a pen and some paper. Ask the bride and the group to write the information such as the first time they met, how, where, their anniversary date, their birthday, the date when he proposed, where, how, and so on.

Give them a certain time and after the time is over check their answer if they matched one another. Make sure to play this game at your wedding. Test Your Partner is one of the interesting wedding games for the Bride and Groom.

4. Find the Name

10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom

Find the groom’s name on the Mehandi of the bride. Cliche, it is!!! but interesting and intense at the same time.

How it is played? Simple. A groom has to search for the alphabet of his name or his name itself on the Mehandi of the bride’s hand within a certain time limit.

Find your name is one of the amazing wedding games for the bride and groom.

5. This Belongs to My Wife

Identify the belonging of your wife. Here in this game, a groom has to identify the belongings of his about-to-be wife.

Collect things such as bags, lipstick, shoe, dolls and so on of the bride and other female members and put all of them on a table. Now, ask the groom to identify which one among them is his beloved person.

If he can identify, he wins. This Belongs to My Wife is one of the amazing wedding games for the bride and groom

6. Paper Dance

One of the finest and most highly engaging wedding games for the Bride and Groom. What you have to do is call the bride and the groom and other couples on stage and give them a piece of paper on which they have to step on and dance till the music runs. The paper will be folded after every song. The couple with the smallest paper size wins the game.

Paper Dance is one of the interesting wedding games for the bride and groom.

7. Cake Smash Bet

10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom

Cake Smash Bet might not be the cup of tea for everyone but it still is one of the amazing wedding games for the Bride and Groom.

Ask all your guests to write the name of either the bride or groom, whose face they want to see on the cake. Whoever gets the maximum vote will end up with the wedding cake on the face.

8. Guess the Tune

In this game, some of the favourite song tunes of the couple will be played and the bride and the groom have to make a guess. Who can answer first, wins. The winner can steal a kiss or their one wish gets fulfilled.

 9. Romantic Rhymes

We have got Romantic Rhymes on our list for 10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom.

How to play this game? The Bride and the Groom have to recite the poem for one another using rhyming words in front of the guest.

A great way to express love, isn’t it?

10. Eating Competition

Nothing can beat the eating competition at the wedding event.

Select the favourite dishes of the bride and groom and let the competition begin. Set an amazing gift for the winner.

Eating Competition is one of the engaging wedding games for the Bride and Groom.


10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom
Wedding games for the Bride and Groom!!

We wish you Happy Married Life!!

We hope you enjoyed reading our article on the topic 10 Fun Wedding Games for the Bride and Groom. Thank You!! for reading our article on the topic of wedding games for the Bride and Groom it till the end.

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